Burned down

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The professors of Hogwarts had decided that it was the best for everyone to leave the castle first thing in the next morning. In the same night when Dumbledore had died, everybody packed their things for their trip home, unsure if they would ever be able to come back.
Harry kept Draco hidden under his cloak most of the time. They decided to go into Hagrid Hut, or what was left of it. It was awful to see all of Hagrid's furniture and plants in ashes. He must be devastated when he'd see this, Harry was sure.
But still the half burned down place was good enough to hide Draco until they made their way to Grimauld place.
Hermione and Ron helped Harry with his preparations, they did what he told them to do and didn't ask any questions. Surely Hermione had ordered Ron to be quiet, because Harry noticed that Ron had to fight himself many times to not show his real emotions.
There was another person that Harry had to get on deck on his plans concerning Draco.
Blaise Zabini. Harry had spoken to him in the middle of the night when every other student was running around packing their things whilst trying to deal with their new reality. A reality where Hogwarts wasn't their safe space anymore, a reality where Dumbledore was murdered by a former teacher.
To Harry's surprise Blaise didn't give him a strong reaction when he explained to him that he and Draco where kind of a couple. Barely saying anything Blaise agreed on taking Draco's things outside their dorm, and giving them to Harry.
„Did you know about us?", had Harry asked him in confusion.
Blaises answer to that was a simple „I should have known".
He agreed on bringing Dracos belongings over to them early in the next morning.

Neither of the two boys could sleep that night. The air in the Hut smelled like burned wood and dust, the blanket on Hagrids bed sweaty.
So they laid there awake the whole time, not talking to each other because both of them tried to deal with the mess in their own mind.
When they heard someone knock at dawn they were both wide awake.
„I get the door. Just in case", said Harry and got up. The soles of his grey socks were black from the ashes and the dust on the floor, and he hadn't showered since yesterday morning and felt dirty and weak. But it didn't really matter, did it?
As expected it was Blaise who stood in front of the door, a dark suitcase and a briefcase in his hands.
He didn't give an answer to Harry's „Morning", instead he said „This is all of his stuff."
„Thanks". Harry took Draco's belongings wondering why the luggage was that much heavier than his own used to be.
„Damn, are there stones in there", joked Harry even if he didn't feel like joking.
Blaise also didn't feel like laughing. His mimic remained rigid. „He has many different coats and stuff. Just cast a spell on it and it's going to lighten", he declared.
„Yeah." Harry cleared his throat.
They both looked up when they heard footsteps approaching.
„Blaise!", yelled Draco. It sounded nearly joyful.
„Man, I can't believe it!", Blaise smiled, opened his arms ready to give his friend a hug.
And that's what they did. They hugged tightly. Harry just stood there watching them gloomily.
„Potter told me what happened. But what the fuck, dude?", said Zabini when he let go of Malfoy, „you could have get yourself killed."
„I know", Draco looked down.

Harry felt like going outside. „I let you guys talk a little. And I also need to pack my things", he commented but barely got an answer from any of them.
When he marched uphill he felt the jealousy getting to his head. Blaise and Draco seemed to be so close to each other. Wasn't Blaise a much better catch for Draco anyway? Did he ever think about dating him? Harry sighed, trying to stop his thoughts from boiling again.
There was more important stuff to worry about, like how to survive without the most powerful wizard on his side. ... Could Harry have prevented Dumbledores death? Maybe. Nevertheless he had decided to let him down. Just because he cared too much about Draco Malfoy.
But like Harry said it himself last night: there was no going back, no way to change their actions. They had to move forward.

Harry went to the Gryffindor dormitories.
He talked a few words with Dean Thomas and Finnegan while he put his clothes and books in a big bag. Harry did not own many clothes. And even though he had his opinions on what looked good and what seemed ugly to him, he never really cared about his own style. Draco though wore fancy suits all the time. And Blaise? He always looked slick. He wore dark clothes with nice fabrics and fitting cuts.
He was so fine that it hurt Harry. And he looked great at Malfoys side. Two outstandingly attractive boys.
Harry groaned loudly in exasperation. One would think that after all that had happened he would be able to get these thoughts out of his head, but he couldn't.
Being jealous and childisch made Harry feel even more guilty whenever Dumbledore's death came back into his mind. He felt like he owed it to Dumbledore to think about it all the time.
It had kept him awake the whole night so maybe it where all the sleepless nights that had finally driven him into insanity. He surely felt like losing it.
„Are you okay?", asked Neville who was the only person still in the room. It had always taken him ages to pack his stuff before the summer holidays. Same today.
„I think I feel too much", answered Harry, then corrected his statement: „or too little."
Neville swallowed eyeing him empathatically. „Do not blame yourself for things you cannot control. .. maybe you just gotten used .. to losing people ... right?"
„Maybe, Neville." Harry sighed deeply. Then he left the dorm and made his way back to Blaise and Draco.

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