Chilling with the half blood prince

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The half blood prince turned out to be a really useful friend to Harry. Even though he had materialized just through some sentences in a potions book, Harry really felt like connecting to the man. HBP seemed to be an arrogant prick, with a witty sense of humor, who wasn't very fond of anyone else. At least that's what Harry interpreted from reading all the notes. Furthermore HBP seemed to have written down many spells in the book that Harry never had heard of. Most of them didn't really sound like they had anything to do with alchemy, and that's why Harry was sure they would be useful for the future.
"Aren't you still traumatized from reading weird diaries, Harry?", Ron asked amused when he caught Harry reading in his potions book by the fireplace again.
"I have actually been traumatized by so many things", Harry quipped, "nothing can hurt me anymore. .. I'm fucking invincible". He perked both eyebrows up.
"Okay, weirdo", Ron retorted, snorting amused. "Then I'll just leave you to your creepy book. You don't have to hang out with us. .. Later" - and he left the common room.
"Have fun", Harry mumbled distractedly. Now this may sound weird, but he did actually try to write stuff down in the book, thinking he'd maybe could communicate with HBP like he did with Tom Riddle. But no. The book was just a book, may be for the better.
For the last weeks Harry had often wondered who HBP really was or who he were. When he laid down at night he started imagining what he would look like. He must have been a pretty dude, that was one thing Harry was sure of . ... Maybe not as pretty as Tom Riddle in his early years but still.. Some night Harry woke up from a dream about HBP, which was totally confusing. Normally he would startle up from all the nightmares but this time it was .. slightly different.
Unfortunately Harry talked in his dreams, and even if he didn't always said clear sentences he'd at least make some noises, which repeatedly disturbed Rons sleep. Harry' was just lucky that Ron thought Harry had had another bad nightmare, and even wanted to give him comfort, by waking him up and whispering soothing things. Very awkward situation. Harry pretended to fall asleep again shortly after, angry that Ron ripped him out of his soggy dream that he pretty much enjoyed before being woken up. When Ron asked Harry the next morning what his nightmares were about, Harry pretend that he forgot and hoped Ron wouldn't notice that his cheeks were burning with shame.
In fact Harry had already thought about being gay sometimes. He was intrigued by Riddle but disgusted about himself for ever feeling this way. Riddle had many faces and most of them where sickening. And he killed Harrys goddamn parents. Harry felt incredibly guilty for even thinking that Tom has once been an attractive guy. But it wasn't a secret, right? Many people were charmed by him, like Ginny or even Dumbledore himself. And then again Harry had had this stupid crush on Cho Chang, meaning he did fall for a girl once. But still.. daydreaming about HBP didn't really confirm Harrys straightness.

It was just the right time to go out to clear his head a little. And what was better for that than flying around at the Quidditch playground. Harry felt like such a champion whenever he flew, because that was what he was really good at. His innate talent, his passion.
But today he felt dull riding his broom over the field he'd known since day one. His thoughts about HBP didn't leave his mind. Maybe it was time for something more challenging.

Maybe it was time for a little battle.

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