The last supper

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When Harry finally held Slughorn's memory in his hands he brought it straight to Dumbledore's office. They reviewed it in the Pensive together and found out that Slughorn really told Voldemort more about the Horcruxes.
Harry almost felt sorry for his potions professor for being such a naive old man that seemed to care a too much about his reputation. Still it was alarming that Dumbledores theories about the Horcruxes had been confirmed. Dumbledore was distraught when he found out that Voldemort had created presumably five more of them. He paced through his tower with a restlessness that Harry had never seen on him before. Something was different in his way of acting all of a sudden. Many times he stated, that he was growing too old and that Harry needed to be prepared for the worst possible outcome. „It is of the highest importance to destroy the Horcruxes, remember that. Only then can Voldemort be defeated", he told him many times.
Harry couldn't really understand how tough that task would be until he had realized that even his headmaster didn't know what the other Horcruxes would look like and where they could find them.
But still he had one lead; he expected to find another Horcrux in a cave that Tom Riddle had explored as a child, on a field trip with his orphanage. „He traumatized two fellow orphans there", Dumbledore explained.
When Harry had asked his headmaster if he could travel with him Dumbledore agreed.
However he gave him two simple instructions how Harry had to act when entering the cave: he should always save himself first and he needed to follow every order that Dumbledore gave him.

The next week Dumbledore approached Harry after dinner. He told him that they shouldn't waste any more time and they needed to search for the Horcrux.
They had had quite a feast that evening without any special occasion and no further explanation from Dumbledore's side. In a quick speech he stated that eating dessert once in a while was good for their mental health and that he was proud to lead a school for so many talented young wizards.
Maybe he wanted Harry to have a nice dinner before they'd put themselves in danger.
Neither of them could really know what to expect in the cave. But considering what it took to destroy the first two Horcruxes it might be lethal.

There was strange breeze that night telling Hogwarts' inhabitants that something was going to happen.
The sky was glooming in a ominous lilac shade, a strong wind was howling but it wasn't cold.
Dumbledore expected Harry in his office at eleven o'clock to set out and teleport in the middle of the ocean where the cave was placed. Harry did not look forward to it, if he was being honest. But letting his professor go on the trip alone was no option. Harry had never been the type to cop out and in addition to that he felt like that it was of big importance for him to practice what it was like to search for Horcruxes. He couldn't let Dumbledore do all the work in the future, he needed to stand up for himself and fight against Lord Voldemort with all his force. The only other option was dying.

The strange violet nightlight fell through the corridor's windows and turned the grey stone walls lilac. Nobody was in the hallways anymore, all the other students were in their common rooms or already sleeping.
Harry thought of Ron and Hermione. Ron would probably play a stupid game or sleep soundly without having any dreams at all. But Hermione? Harry chuckled silently. Surely she'd lay awake all night, waiting till dawn only to wake up every thirty minutes worrying about Harry and his mission. Sometimes she was more mother than friend to him, but maybe that was what he needed. Even though he didn't want to cause her any pain, he was happy that he had someone in his life for whom he seemed to be important enough to make them worry about him.

Dumbledore was already waiting outside his office. When he saw Harry from afar he nodded eagerly.
Harry marched towards him, but as he noticed the bathroom door open a bit as he walked by he paused. He heard a voice quietly calling him from inside of bathroom and he decided to go in there.
„Just a second, Sir!", yelled Harry in Dumbledores direction than slipped into the bathroom and closed the door hastily.

And there stood Draco, same as ever, dressed in black, looking exhausted and pale but when he cracked a smile Harrys heart started jumping.
„Draco. What are you doing here? Are you alright?", he asked full of excitement.
It was weird meeting him secretively in the bathroom where he had almost killed him just a few days ago. Harry felt abusive. At the same time he was contented to see him, his heart pounded fast, when Draco moved towards him. „This may be the last time we see each other", Draco said quietly.
„What?", inquired Harry in confusion, he couldn't help but to reach for Dracos hands.
„I just needed to get to you again. Before everything goes down. And ...I hope you can forgive me", Draco held his hands tightly, stroking over Harrys finger's with his thumbs.
„Forgive you? For what?" Harry couldn't quite concentrate on what to say when he looked Draco in his eyes. It seemed like they deluded him, made him forget all the things he couldn't understand.
„Everything. Everything that happend. Everything that's going to happen", Draco swallowed afflicted then looked down at their intertwined hands.
„Draco, why are you talking like this?", asked Harry again.
But Draco didn't answer, instead he embraced him dashingly. „Were you really in love with me?", he whispered in a constrained voice.
„Yeah, of course I was. I still am", Harry affirmed. Their hug turned into a fervent kiss.
It felt electric. Harry felt like he was suddenly alive again. Ready to risk anything.

They both turned to the door when they heard Dumbledores voice calling from the outside. „Harry, are you still in there?", he enquired.
Harry cleared his throat in embarrassment. „I'll be ready in a minute!", he yelled in a coarse voice.
„Alrighty. Take your time. Our Horcrux won't run away anyways ... But meet me directly by the tower, will you? I want to look at the night sky a little while I'm waiting for you", murmured Dumbledore through the door.
„Okay .. Sir."
Harry and Draco looked at each other both grinning silently but not sure if it was in amusement over their headmaster or just to ease their fear.
„Go now!", whispered Draco.
It was hard letting go of each other but when Harry finally losened his hands from Dracos he headed directly to the door.
„Promise me you'll be safe while I'm gone", Harry said.
Draco nodded abashed. In a wavering tone he assured him that he was going to be fine.

When Harry walked up the astronomy tower he felt a strong wind bashing in his face.
Dumbledore was standing on the edge, looking up to the dark clouds. „I see, I see Harry", he said smirking omnisciently. His long hair was waving in the wind along with his silver robe, „I had a similar love experience when I was young", he stated.
Harry widened his eyes in shock. „What does that suppose to mean, Sir?"
Dumbledores golden semilunar glasses were glistening in the moonlight. „I don't know if I should tell you that but I really liked a wizard called Grindelwald when I was a young man. I also had a thing for the bad boys", he chuckled, „thought I could change his ways. He was so convincing, so good at creating different personalities for everyone."
Puzzeld Harry listened to his professor. How could it be that Dumbledore had figured out everything about him and Malfoy? First Harry had no idea what to answer, than he was suddenly sized by emotion. „But Draco is different! He's not evil!", he empathized.
Dumbledore adjusted his glasses, looking calmly in Harrys eyes. „He's done some bad things, Harry"
„I know...", Harry sighed. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the strong wind that flew though his tousled hair.
„But I share your opinion", stated Dumbledore after some time.
„Really?", Harry turned around to him.
„He is not a bad person I suppose. But I'm afraid he's following the footsteps of his father", Dumbledore folded his hands behind his back.
Harry didn't know what to reply. Dumbledore seemed to be right, keeping in mind that Malfoy actually did try to harm people. And for what? At once Hermione's statement that Malfoy must be after Dumbledore rushed in his head. What was his plan? And why did Draco act like there won't be a tomorrow? Should Harry tell his professor? Feelings of guilt captured Harrys mind. Would Dumbledore scold Draco if Harry told him everything he knew? The last years had shown Harry that Albus Dumbledore was unpredictable. Most of the times he was a good natured man with a special sense of humor.. but there had been moments when he was irascible and harsh.
Today, though, was none of these days. „But who am I to judge a 16-year-old for his actions", he said in a sympathetic tone. Then he leaned towards Harry, looking down with a broad smile. „Ready, Harry?", he asked, an arm out-stretched, ready to apparate.
But with his inner conflict, and the confusion about their talk Harry couldn't say that he was. „I'm not so sure", he answered truthfully.
„Pity. We're going anyways", said Dumbledore then he reached for Harry and together they dissolved in whirlwind.

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