Truth hurts

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Harry was stunned with the Stupefying charm as soon as Zabini had brought him into a little room down in the dungeons. Harry expected them to be near the Slytherin common room but he wasn't really sure of it because Zabini had put a cape over his head when they walked down. Whilst being stunned Harry was tied up on a chair.
Now Blaise pulled the cape off Harry looking at him displeased. „Didn't I tell you should keep your nose out of Draco's business?", he asked.
„Yes. And didn't I tell you I don't take orders from snakes?", replied Harry sassily.
Blaise twisted his eyes annoyed. „You can't help it, can you? ... You just have to pull off your heroic stunts and save the day", he said.
„I do whatever keeps me alive", responded Harry firmly.
„Great", Zabini, who had turned his back on him, suddenly made two steps closer to him, then he pointed an outstretched wand at Harrys face. „What do you know?", he demanded.
„I know nothing. That's why I was listening, smartass."
„Yeah, right. Do I need to explain to you why I don't buy your little stories?"
„No, silence would be pretty nice."
Zabini grinned. „There's lots of silence waiting for you, Potter. I can see right into your future."
Suddenly Blaise's wand lit up red, Harry was feeling struck and breathless writhing on his chair.
„What do you know?", repeated Zabini.
„Fuck you", groaned Harry. He couldn't believe Blaise actually casted a Cruciatus Curse at him, even though it didn't seem like a very strong one. The pain that hit him didn't match with the one when Voldemort had casted the curse on him but still Harry felt like screaming. Still he didn't want to give Zabini the pleasure of winning.
„Tell me what you know!", repeated Blaise again.
The agony became worse as Zabini got angrier, Harrys joints felt twisted in the wrong direction, his skin was burning, as if someone poured boiling water all over him.
This time Harry needed to answer. Maybe Zabini was satisfied with something and would make the torture stop. „I found out that he's a death eater. I .. I saw the dark mark, when his shirt accidentally slid up", panted Harry breathlessly.
„Aha. And what else?" Zabinis stoic expression had changed a little when he realized how much Harry suffered on his command, his deep voice however still sounded as stable and as demanding as before. 
Harry felt a sharp pain in every muscle his lungs felt to small for his body, his eyeballs almost seemed to explode in his head.
„Blaise, I know you want to be a good friend. And..", Harry gasped for air, „and I do appreciate that. But stop, please stop!"
Blaise frowned warily, holding his wand a little lower than before. „Why would you appreciate that?", he asked.
Harrys tone was faint from the pain. „Because I was trying to help him!", he assured.
Blaise lowered his wand, the curse ended abruptly, leaving Harrys body twitching uncontrollably.
Zabini signed. „It doesn't matter if you tell the truth or not. You can't help Draco. No one can."
„Why??", yelled Harry.
„He's a dead man just like you, Potter", with a flick of his wand Blaise released the ties on both chair legs. „The highest chance of him surviving is if you let him do what needs to be done."
When Harry tried to stand up, his legs were fragile and felt like giving up under the weight of his body.
„We're save when you're finally gone, Potter. It's the only way", explained Blaise pragmatically, „Best, if you die fast."
Harry snorted disdainfully. „So you really think Voldemort will let you live freely afterwards?", he looked in Blaise's dark eyes who couldn't withstand Harry's gaze.
„There is no such thing as an end after the war", continued Harry, „Voldemort will monitor everything you do, and it won't stop with that ..he will get in your head to see everything you've seen and to sense all that you feel and to read what you think. You won't be able to exist if you don't obey to him. And you will live and die as his slaves", Harry smiled bitterly, „I may be the lucky one dying first."
He stumbled out of the door without expecting an answer from Blaise.
His body felt like it was torn into pieces and then patched back together wrongly.
As soon he was some meters away from Zabini he collapsed on the floor, shivering from shock and exhaustion. Harry had opened his own eyes. The most important thing for him to do was to stop Voldemort, if he couldn't do it everybody was doomed.
He didn't have any time to waste worrying about Malfoy and his feelings. But still, finally confronting Draco about everything seemed to be more important now than ever.
He wouldn't let Draco become a killer like his father was, and above all he wouldn't let him die.

Harry Potter and the Pure Blood Prince [Drarry]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें