The new champion

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The night before their first huge quidditch play this year Harry had another... different dream.
He couldn't totally recall how he got there, but to his embarrassment it was a dream about Draco Malfoy. Nothing super special happened between the two to them but still they were very close to each other, with Harry forgiving Draco about everything he's done and Draco telling Harry that he made him realize what life was really about. Yes, it was almost corny in a way. Or in many ways.
If Voldemort could get in his head now, like he had last year, he would surely want to leave immediately, cringing a little too much about Harrys latest thoughts and fantasies. ...

Ron was very exited to play in his first game, and if he only wouldn't have looked that stupid with his little helmet on, Harry would have shown a little more sympathy towards his nervousness.
But anyhow he knew his friend would make it. Ron was such a clumsy, uncoordinated guy, but still Harry was sure that Ron had the necessary amount of passion and flying skills for the game.
After all Harry had to admit that quidditch wasn't that hard if you were comfortable on a broom, a little deftly and not afraid of balls.
Still he helped Ron out a bit by pretending to have poured some of the Felix Felicis in his drink at lunch.

Oh and Ron turned out to be a real champion, catching every Quaffle, and then screaming things like „fuck yeah" whilst making stupid poses. But the crowd seemed to love the guy. He turned out to be the man of the hour. Harry, the actual captain of the team restrained himself that evening. He didn't begrudge Ron's success. In fact he was happy for his friend, almost relieved that Ron finally had his own moment to shine. It was rather annoying that Ron always complained about standing in Harrys shadow. Like Harry actually choose to fight Voldemort over and over again, like he wanted his mother to sacrifice herself for him, like he wanted to see everybody he loved die in front of him.
Sometimes he hated his friend for being jealous, he hated his grumpy comments, his gloomy glances and his attitude towards Harry. How much would Harry give to just have a loving family and a halfway normal life like Ron?
But he didn't have the choice.
Hermione understood that. She knew the burden that Harry carried. She was a dear friend to Harry. But still, he needed both of them equally.

As expected they won the match against Slytherin. It was almost easy with only Blaise Zabini keeping the opposite team alive.
They drowned without Malfoy. Harry could say it was a lucky coincidence but somehow he was disappointed that his frenemy didn't play against him. He made it really hard for Harry to give him the battle he was ready for. At the same time Harry could imagine that seeing Malfoy on the field would have disrupted Harry's gameplay considering the dream he had had that night. Still Harry had been through way worse, a shameful dream about Malfoy couldn't really hurt him at this point.

After the quidditch match there was a big party in the Gryffindor common room. Even the other two houses, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff - Slytherin was silently excluded - were invited to party with them.
Knowing that Butterbeer only had 0,5 % alcohol, the students organized to get other liquors from different sources: robbing some bottles from Slughorn's wine chamber or mixing different ingredients in a cauldron to turn them into booze.
Most of the students got drunk quickly, dancing around the sofas and flirting a little. Ron snogged Lavender Brown in some corner - she fell head over heels for him, and seemed to want him even more now that he was a sports champion. Only Hermione didn't seem to enjoy the booze-up. „This is so wrong", she commented earlier about the purloined liquor.
She had refused to drink it, the cauldron bowle left her cold as well. When two hours had passed and everybody started acting up, she left silently, going to the girls bedrooms with a book of hers.
Harry turned out to be a real party animal as soon as he was drunk. He transformed from the calmly standing around guy to the savagely grooving around party god. He liked dancing in the middle, the girls shaking their asses at him and all his admirers constantly getting him new drinks.
It was a night like no other at Hogwarts.
And it got even wilder when some of the Slytherins crashed the party. Zabini and Goyle somehow got wind of the passwort and walked in deliberately inconspicuous. They were followed by tree other Slytherins, and to Harrys surprise Draco was one of them. But as opposed to his companions he looked paranoid.
„You've stolen Slugs wine?", he asked, a note of panic in his voice.
„Yeah. What you going to do, Malfoy? Snitch us?", grumbled Finnigan.
„No, we're here to party", Zabini said, pushing past Draco, „now that we've lost the game can we at least get some drinks?"
„Yeah, ok man", said Dean Thomas, „get in here", he nodded towards the scene.

„Now, extra special fucking liquor for our Gryffindor champions!", Cormac McLaggen said and pulled a fancy looking bottle out of a paper box.
„Guys this shit was gift wrapped", stated Thomas, one of the Gryffindors who had actually seen Slughorns liquor chamber from the inside.
„Poor Slug. I wonder who he wanted to give it to.." Even though Neville shared Hermiones opinion that it was wrong to steal all the booze, he did enjoy drinking it.
McLaggen just gave a winning smirk. „Calm down, you guys. This degrading grandpa surely won't even notice that we drank half of his liquor supply."
The others just shrugged approvingly.

„To our champions", said MacLaggen after pouring the champagne into three cups. He beckoned Ron and Harry over, and grabbed the last glas for himself, even though he wasn't involved in winning the quidditch game in any way.
Ron stumbled his way over to them, grabbing the fancy champagne proudly. Harry did the same, he couldn't contain himself anymore. He would have drunken anything they'd give him at this point.
„Cheers!", said McLaggen at the same time as Draco Malfoy shouted „Don't drink that!"

Now everybody's eyes fixated him. Even the other Slytherins who had mingled with the party people looked bewildered.
„Are you having daddy issues again, Malfoy?", asked McLaggen laughing, „do you suck up to Slug now?.. Or why wouldn't you let us enjoy his alc?"
„I just said you shouldn't drink this one, Fuckhead."
„Make me", McLaggen had this icy smirk on his angular face, looking like an american superhero about to save the world from all evil.
„C'mon Malfoy. Piss off. You're not invited", Ron stepped up next to McLaggen trying to make the same intimidating face, which looked kind of funny on him.
Harry was way to drunk to act right. He giggled a little bit looking at the two Gryffindors trying hard to protect their beloved booze.

Then everything happened real fast: Harry tried to take a sip from his glas absentmindedly, Draco quickly stepped forward and punched the glas out of his hands before his lips touched the liquor. After that McLaggen angrily threw his drink in Malfoys face, whilst Rons dropped his in confusion.
Under boos from the crowd Malfoy grabbed the expensive champagne bottle and threw it into the fireplace, where it exploded in green lights. Everybody started screaming and acting up. Malfoy did not manage to escape quickly, McLaggen, Finnigan and Ron grabbed him. They started beating him up before they finally let him stumble out of the door. That's when the other Slytherins showed loyalty to their former leader: each captured one of the attackers and started wrestling them.
Harry just stood there watching, unable to decide if it was the right thing to help his friends, or if it was okay just to stand around watching them, deciding if this happening was serious, or laugh or cringeworthy.
So he just stood there awkwardly, too drunk to say anything, to perplexed to get between the fighting crowd. He just stood there until Goyle ran up to him, and gave him the fist that would knock him out.

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