The look

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Harry wasn't a superficial guy. But of course he needed to check his nose in the bathroom mirror after Luna fixed it.
Not that he didn't trust her, he just wanted to be assured it went completely back to normal.
In fact, checking his nose in the boys bathroom mirror was the first thing he did, when they finally arrived at the castle.
He still had blood on his face, and he didn't want that to be the first thing that Hermione would notice when he went to the Great Hall. She and Ron were surely waiting for him there, wondering why he had left them in the train and had never come back.
His nose still felt numb as he poured cold water in his face. Harry cursed a bit, then dried his face with his sleeve.
This bastard... It was obviously no secret that Malfoy was mental, but stepping on Harrys face, while he was unable to move, then leaving him behind, alone in the train, was even cruel for him. And all that because Malfoy wanted vengeance for his terrible father?
How could you even like a man like Lucius. Draco should feel lucky that he was locked away. But then again, they were exactly alike, weren't they?

There were still blood stains on Harrys shirt, when he quietly sat down next to Hermione. As usual all eyes were on him, simply for arriving too late in the Hall. But Harry was getting used to it after all the years of attention. Avoiding eye contact with most students he still felt them glaring at him. Sometimes he even liked all the attention they gave him in the wizarding  world. It would be a lie if he said he hadn't been neglected before he knew Hogwarts existed.
All the other students would never understand, why Harry needed the special treatment from most of his teachers or why he always went running to Dumbledores office for advice.
It wasn't much different this year: he already knew their new teacher Slughorn - who was in fact a big fan of Harry's and he did talk to Dumbledore even before the year had started.
Maybe that was why even all the professors gave him a sharp look, as he sat down on the dining table. Harry mumbled apologies, not sure if they heard him. Then Dumbledore continued his greeting speech. He introduced Slughorn - as expected, then explained that Snape would be their new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher.
Nobody seemed openly happy about the last fact, except maybe the Slytherin table. Some of them applauded unfazed. To Harry's surprise Draco wasn't one of them. He just sat on his chair quietly, wrinkled his nose as usual. When he caught sight of Harry staring at him he narrowed his eyes then looked into another direction.

Just when Harry made up his mind, that he wasn't through with Malfoy and that he had a strong urge to confront him about breaking his nose, Hermione interrupted his revengeful imaginations.
„Harry .. where have you been?", she whispered, "we've been worried about you." Sarcastically Ron was munching a crispy chicken-leg and didn't seem worried at all. Ginny who sat next to them, was actually pretty tense.
„I -", Harry started when Ginny interrupted him. "Is that blood on your shirt, Harry?", she asked concerned.
„Ugh. Yeah. .. I mean.. I had a nose bleed", he improvised, "on the train. .. Thats actually why I left you guys. .. I thought.. you might find it gross or something..", he smiled awkwardly.
„Yeah pretty gross", Ron smacked.
"Don't be stupid Harry. It isn't that unnormal", Hermione rolled her eyes. But she seemed pretty relieved. Ginny said nothing. Just continued to fixate Harry, which made him weirdly uncomfortable.

Before they had finished eating, Harrys confrontational plans flew back into his mind.
Thats why he took another quick look at Draco, but they caught each others eyes.

After dinner Harry didn't go straight to the Gryffindor common room. He got rid of Ron and the others, and made it seem like he lost them by accident.
With only rage in his mind he marched in the direction where he last saw Draco. Harry knew he'd never get an apology from his enemy. But maybe an apology wasn't what he wanted. He was angry. Angry at the Slytherins, angry at the Death Eaters, Bellatrix and the Dark Lord himself. And he didn't know where to put that anger and the bitterness that surrounded him every minute. The only thing he knew was that he needed to take it out on Malfoy. Malfoy deserved it, deserved to be punished, more than any other person at Hogwarts.
But where the fuck was he? Hadn't Harry just seen him walking through the hallway? Now he was nowhere to be found.

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