chapter 7

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Diana’s P.O.V

Noah’s hand fit perfectly with mine. Our fingers were laced together as we walked through the aquatic part of the local zoo. We were heading towards the area that the dolphin show was supposed to start at 2:45. It was less than fifteen minutes till it was about to start and we were a few feet away from it. We walked up the seating area and sat down on the metal bleachers. Noah reached his arm wrapped around my waist pulling me closer into him. He took my hand and kissed it. I sipped at the soda while we watched the dolphins swim around as the little children laughed with excitement when the dolphins swam by them.

The show lasted about a good twenty-thirty minutes and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The dolphins were well trained and did some pretty neat tricks. “Where do you want to go now?” He asked me.

It took me a minute to think of somewhere that we hadn’t visited yet. “The big cats are always fun, or we could head towards the bears and wolves. You decide.”

“Well, what about we go see the wolves since the cats are closer to the entrance of the zoo.”

I nodded. “Sounds like a plan Care Bear.”

“Alright, let’s go off on an adventure.”

The wolves were hiding in the woods when we got there. But after a few minutes of waiting to see one, a wolf came out of the woods and walked directly towards Noah and I. It was the weirdest thing. One of the employees of the zoo said that it was unusual for the wolves to get this close to the fence. I looked up at Noah as I tried to read him. He seemed to be deep in thought as his eyes were locked on the small gray wolf, which was apparently one of the females according to the employee. The wolf coked her head to the side and stood there looking at Noah. I cleared my throat and Noah snapped out of his trance and looked at me. “Sorry, I was just thinking.”

I squeezed his hand reassuringly. “It’s okay. I’m guilty of doing that too.”

“That wolf really likes you,” I noted. It was very odd that the wolf was still nearby watching Noah. For some reason it made me uneasy. I pushed the feeling aside as it was just a wolf after all. Besides, it’s not like a wolf is competition to me.

Noah shrugged his shoulder. “I guess it has good taste, or maybe I smell very good with my cologne,” he laughed. “What do you want to do now?”

My stomach growled. “I think I need to feed myself.”

“There’s a small food court are here that we can go to. It’s closer than a restaurant. Is that alright with you?”

“Fine by me,” I smiled.

When we reached the food court my mouth watered from the different smells. There were so many good choices to choose between. There was a panda express that caught my attention. The two of us split orange chicken and rice. By the time that we were done eating I was most definitely stuffed. I set down my fork. “I don’t think I can eat another bite.”

Noah looked up at me and smiled his 100 watt smile. “Well, then I guess you won’t mind if I finish off the rest.”


“Oh my gosh! I haven’t been to a carnival in forever!”

“Seriously? I come here every year,” Noah commented. “This was always my favorite part of summer as a kid. It was so much fun going on all the rides and playing the different games to win prizes. Plus, everything is better at night when the rides are all lit up.”

I nodded in agreement. The sun was setting in the background. Most of the rides were already lit up. Kids ran by screaming and dragging along their parents while groups of teenagers walked around gossiping. “This is great Noah. The entire day has been wonderful. Thank you so much for everything.”

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