chapter 10

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2013 © All rights reserved

Diana's P.O.V.

Last night didn’t go as well as I had planned. I ended up passing put from drinking too much which was weird considering I didn’t have that much. On top of everything I didn’t get much sleep because I was tossing and turning from dreaming that I got attacked and the ebony wolf saved me. That dream replayed over and over again and now it was the only thing that was on my mind. I was dragging my feet this morning, practically walking around like a zombie. I thought a shower might help relax my muscles. My neck especially hurt from tossing in my sleep.

I was done with my shower a little after eleven and the girls were still sleeping. Guess they partied more than I did, or they were tired and needed to rest. Yawning, I decided that today was definitely going to be the day that I relaxed, preferably somewhere on the beach. Since I was already wearing my bikini under a pair of shorts and flowy tank top all I needed were my sunglasses and beach towel. On a piece of paper I scribbled on it leaving a note for the girls letting them know where I was going. I set it down right on the nightstand where hopefully they would find it.

When I arrived at the beach it was packed with people, probably due to the weather which was extremely hot outside. For a minute I was tempted to return to the hotel and enjoy the air conditioning. There was a familiar face who was at the beach which was one of the reasons why I stuck around.

“Hey Jake.”

“Hi Diana, Where are Rachel and Claire?”

“Sleeping. They might be up now but I’m not sure.”

“What are you doing down here all by yourself?” He playfully smirked at me and I couldn’t help but to smile.

“Well obviously I want to enjoy the unbearable heat all day.”

“You could always go for a swim and cool off.”

“No way, I’m not going in the ocean for a swim.”

“Afraid that a shark will get you?”

“Yeah! Haven’t you watched Shark Week on Discovery channel? I barely even want to walk around in there.”

“There hasn’t been a shark attack at this beach for a few years now. You’d probably be fine.”

“Probably isn’t good enough for me.”

“Fair enough.” He conceded.           

My eyes drifted out to the people who were in the ocean swimming around, surfing, and kids splashing water at another. Yes, I’d admit that I’m scared to go in there, but it’s not something that I need to do while I’m here for the summer. I wanted to get away from my ex and spend time with my friends before we all headed off to college. Getting over my fears wasn’t on the to-do list.

“So what do you think?” Jake asked.

“Wait what?”

“You didn’t hear a word did you?”

“Ah, no. I was thinking of some things and got distracted. Sorry.”

“I asked you if you would want to give Rachel my number. I forgot to ask her for her number last night and since you here…”

“Yeah, sure. No problem.” I handed him my phone and he added himself as a contact. “I’ll be sure that she gets it.”

“Thanks, I guess I’ll see you around then.”

Sounds good Jake.”

Jake started jogging in the opposite way I was going and I wondered how he could workout in this heat. I felt like I was sweating to death. I thought about going to see if the girls were awake yet, but if they planned on joining me down on the beach, which I figured they would, then I didn’t see a point of walking back to the hotel. I set down the beach towel on the hot sand and stepped onto the towel before pulling off my tank top and shorts. I just wanted to relax on the beach and maybe work on my tan some more.

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