Chapter 22

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Rachel decided that more girl time was a must so I was sitting on her bed with my knees pulled up to my chest. She was painting her nails a vibrant cherry red and Beth was flipping through the latest issue of Cosmo. It felt like we were real teenage girls that couldn't turn into giant wolves.

"So I'm still betting that you haven't gone all the way with Noah yet," Rachel smirked.

"Oh my gosh! That's my brother your talking about!" Beth exclaimed. "I so don't want to hear the details."

I threw a pillow at my best friend expecting to catch her off guard. She ducked and the pillow flew past her. "Missed."

"Well, I'd appreciate it if we didn't talk about that particular detail of my life."

She rolled her eyes. "Girl, you know it has to happen. It's natural for us to do that with the bond. And its part of a human relationship and part of reproduction."

Beth closed the magazine and tossed it aside. "Yeah, if we are going to keep talking about this then I'm going to need some earplugs or something."

"We are not talking about this. Nope. End of discussion." I could feel my cheeks burning and I didn't want to continue to feel embarrassed.

Rachel laughed. "Okay, fine. How about we talk about how little miss Bethy and the fact that she needs to go out and explore the world so she can find her mate."

"First of all, Noah would go ballistic if I decided to up and leave seeing as he is the overprotective brother. Secondly, there are plenty of other wolves that haven't found their mate so it's not like that I'm the last one." Beth turned her gaze to the different shades to the nail polishes and choose a light purple.

"That's true, but I want you to be happy and if leaving Minnesota will help you find your one and only then I'll convince your brother to let you go," I told her.

"You would do that?"

I nodded. "Absolutely, everyone deserves to be happy and he can't stop you from finding yours. I mean he could always tag along but it seems like I'm stuck here..."

"And he wouldn't leave you," Beth finished with a grin. "Oh, sorry that you basically have to stay protected since your royal and all but he wouldn't tag along and that would be freakin awesome to get away from him for a while."

"You can't leave alone though Beth," Rachel chimed in. Her nails were a glossy red as she closed the cap to the nail polish bottle. "An unmated female wolf should never venture without some sort of protection."

"You did," she pointed out. "You came to Florida with two girls who were both human at the time."

"Dad hired people to follow us all the way down here. They left once I found my mate and went back home. I just didn't tell the girls that we were being watched the entire time."

"I didn't know that." I scrunched my nose. "Shows how unobservant I am."

"They were meant to blend in and that's what they do. It's part of their job." Rachel shrugged her shoulders. "Anyways, my nails are all dry now and I think we should start making plans for Bethy to find her mate."

"Agreed," Beth smiled, "but can me nix the nickname considering Beth is actually my nickname and all." She grabbed a bright pink nail polish and started to paint her nails.

"Okay, Bethany, we can do that."

"So, where would you want to travel first? If your having no luck here and Florida was a bust then where would you want to go."

"Somewhere with a large population of wolves so nowhere down south for the first stop. How does Colorado or Alaska sound?"

Beth switched from one hand to the other and started to paint her other hand. She was a ninja with her nails. How she painted them so fast was beyond me. I always managed to mess up my nails. "Both are good places although Alaska sounds like I'll be wearing a parka the entire time and that won't be flattering."

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