Chapter Thirteen- I'd Rather Lick Shreks Foot

Start from the beginning

"Listen it's a great idea, relax Al." Brett laughed.

"No it's a dumb and illegal idea." I pointed out.

"Say you'll do it."


"Say yes."


"It'll be a lot of fun." Brett sang in an attempt to persuade me.

"I'd rather lick Shreks foot over there." I said pointing at a really sweaty Jock who had tagged along with us.

"Hey!" He cried out.

"She didn't mean it shrek...I mean Shawn." Laine chuckled.

"So is that a no?" Brett asked again.

"Are fanny packs a fashion accessory that shouldn't come back?"


"There you go." I smiled cheekily, making a move to leave.

"Hold it Ally." Laine said yanking my arm. "I said I'd get you out of this slump and I meant it."

"Okay genius, tell me how kidnapping the penguins are gonna help me out of this 'slump'." I rolled my eyes using air quotes.

I didn't see this plan going well at all. Not to mention I was a little intimidated by all the testosterone in the room. Yeah, I was the only girl in the boys locker room. Why? I had no idea. I was lured her under the false pretense that food was involved.

As you can see, foot was not in sight. I was lied to. Bamboozled if you will.

"Brie, Collins, and Gaby are going to kill you when they find out their boyfriends kidnapped me." I narrowed my eyes at them accusingly.

"It's not kidnapping if you came willingly." Nate pointed out, I shot  him a glare.

"They're fine with this." Grayson waved off, slinging his arm around me. "They all agreed you needed a little fun to help you 'cope', whatever that means."

The girls all knew my dilemma....Well they knew that I needed to process this whole thing with my family and Mason. They knew about Raven Porter and how I needed to completely shut down everyone around me. To focus on myself.

I hated ignoring my friends, but they understood I needed space. A concept that was lost on the guys...and apparently the girls relented because they allowed this to happen.

Some friends I have.

Amen sister!, I agreed with the little voice of reason.

"Repeat the plan." I ordered, giving up my resistance all together.

"Why?" they all chorused, and when I meant they- I mean all my friends, and half of the baseball team.

"Because I'm hoping the more I hear this plan, the less stupid it gets." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay so the plan is we sneak into the aquarium and gather the penguins. Then we bring them to JFK and dress them up in t-shirts with our graduating class on there." Brett explained gleefully. Proud of his idiot produced plan.

"I'm so gonna get fired!" I cried out rubbing my face.

"No you won't because we're not using your key." Laine assured me.

"Oh and who's key are we using? I know Brie won't use hers because she won't take the fall, and if we're not using mine then who's?" I questioned. I swear this plan was just getting dumber and dumber. I think was losing actual brain cells.

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