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That's all I can feel around me, just darkness. An inky, thick, foul blanket of shadows, restricting my air supply; it's killing me.

Is it choking me, or am I choking myself?

To be honest, I can't really tell. It's confusing, and it's terrifying.

I can't move. I have no power, no opinion, nothing. I'm nothing. A useless teenager, who can't say a single thing because of the toxic rug of society that keeps me stifled.

They sweep people like me under the rug; they bury us, deep underground, give us nothing and make sure that we're silenced by sitting in our own despair.

And it works, a little too well. No matter how much you scream at the injustice of the situation, either the people above tell you to shut up, or pretend that they don't hear you.

So you give up.

You wallow in your self pity and self loathing, telling yourself that's it's all their fault. You become bitter, angry; angry at the blatant unfairness that surrounds you.

But you still can't do anything.

Wait... is that something over there? It's a little light of opportunity. Get over there quickly, and I might just grab it.

Now, I'm running, fast. Iida would be fuckin jealous of how much my legs are pumping.

I can do it, I can get there. My hands reach out, and then I'm there; I can feel the light on me.

Suddenly, everyone's watching, from below and above. They can see everything I do, everything I say.

Swallowing my fear, I clench my fist. The whole world is watching me. I have a chance to say what I'd like, I have a chance to make things right.

Once, I ran away from this; I'm never going to do that again.

I'm going to tell everyone exactly what's wrong, no sugar coating, nothing.

Because contrary to what most people believe, the world isn't perfect. It isn't wonderful.

And either it stays that way or we can fucking do something about it.

A/n: ok, so this was just an interlude to tell you guys that from here on out, there's gonna be a lot more action.

That's not to say I'm yeeting out all the humour cuz dude there's gotta be some, but also there is going to be a bit more crunch in this part.

Prepare your buttocks.

A Series Of Incidents (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora