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Holy fuck. I can't believe I'm actually here. Genuinely, actually in Tokyo.

Stepping out of the train, I take in the cold yet lively platform, and immediately dart off towards the exit.

I want a croissant-

"FRIZZY!" as I reach the escalator, a hand yanks me back by my shirt, and I cough awkwardly, realising that I'm not here alone. Sheepishly, I glance back at Katsuki, who's looking cold, pissed and frustrated. "Don't go fuckin running off like that!"

"Sorry," I cough out, attempting to escape again. He pulls me back in response.

"Do you even know where the stupid hotel is?!" he demands.

My eyes light up, "Aha! You see, my dear Katsuki, I took the liberty of choosing a hotel that is directly opposite the station. By that, I mean a street down."

"That's... weirdly reasonable. For you." He admits.

"I spent months planning this, I ain't about to fuck it up." I reply, finally getting on to the escalator. "After that, we can go get some dinner. I've heard there's a restaurant a couple of streets down that has a karaoke bar!"

"I'm not going to a fucking karaoke bar." Katsuki hisses, as I bounce off the escalator, and push my ticket into the slot of the next barrier. It slides open, Katsuki following. "Are you out of your mind?"

"Fine." I state, still on a high, "I'll go by myself. But right now, let's find our hotel." I bound out of the station, and into the streets, where the smile on my face only grows.

Because it's dark, the city is now lit up in all of it's colourful glory; high, towering flashing neon signs envelope the road, drawing your attention to so many things at once, the shades blazing like several suns. The buildings crowd over in a friendly manner, with quite a few cars making their way through the bustling centre.

"This is amazing," I whisper, my eyes filling with stars. "Up close, it's like looking at... oh God, my limited vocabulary is failing me."

"Whatever, loser," Katsuki scoffs, nudging my shoulder to snap me from my chance. "Where's the hotel?"

"If you could follow me, please," I hum, walking down the sidewalk. I can't stop myself from gazing at the different attractions around us; this is so amazing... who would've thought it was possible for so many colours to be in one place.

"Don't gawk, it's rude," Katsuki hisses.

I glare at him; "Excuse you? You're one to talk, Mr-Fuck-Everyone." I pause. "Uh, out of context, that sounds questionable..." I snort, "I like it."

"You're a crackhead. I thought dunce face was bad enough, but clearly you're even more crazy than he is."

"I may be a little unhinged," I admit carelessly, "But I'm not at DANKI'S level. Don't be stupid Katsu."

"What the fuck did you just call---?"

"Danki. I called him Danki."


"Many things, Katsuki. Many things. I've got a track record, if it helps... oops, we're here." I gesture to the building on our left.

"Looks... decent. I thought you were a cheapo." Katsuki wrinkles his nose.

"Yeah, well," I scoff, "this trip is something I want to make the most of. So shuddup, boom boom man."

I pause, "One day I'll take you to a vengaboys concert."



Katsuki and I stand, staring in a deadpan fashion into the room I've booked. He makes a 'tsk' sound; I mumble something about Satan.

A Series Of Incidents (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now