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Jeez, I hate mornings. They’re my worst enemy, and they deprive me of sleep. I lean my head against the window of the train, feeling the jolting motion slowly lull me into a daze, with it’s repetitive motion. The familiar sound of (Y/F/B) in my ears comforts me, as I continue to fix my gaze outside, where I use my imagination to create the illusion that the towers of glass are moving, and not us.

It’s amazing how your mind can trick you. I smile gently to myself, as I take not of the clouds to the far right, in the farthest corner of the sky. It might rain; that’s good. For some reason, rain has always been my go-to weather. I find it so hilarious that the little things in life can make your day so much better.

My phone buzzes, and my grin drops, as I check who is calling me. I exhale quietly, when I see the name for one of my sort of friends: “Explosion Katsuki”. He’s a weird boy; short tempered, arrogant, selfish, but he is ok… rarely. We’re friends… I think. I mean, after his best friend Kirishima introduced him, we have conversations–well, more of conceited arguments, and I go out with Kirishima and him occasionally. Kirishima however did say he’ll only class me as a friend after I earn his respect. Apparently that’s very hard to do. But I admit, Katsuki’s personality intrigues me. I want to be his friend… as long as he earns my respect as well. That’s only fair.

I also can oddly understand what he says, for example, “Don’t be such a weakling!” probably would translate to “Are you alright?”, if you see what I mean. Only me and Kirishima get this treatment, which is strange, but I’m honoured… I guess?

I pause my music, and reluctantly answer the call.

“Hello?” I ask tiredly.

“Oi, Frizzy.” Katsuki states. I shrink into my neck. That’s been my name for him ever since I came into school; I had stumbled in without combing my hair, looking like I had a messy mop on my head.

But hey, screw hairbrushes. I just didn't know I looked that much like a bird's nest that day.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

Did I mention he swears like a trooper?

“Going out,” I reply.

“Going where, dumbass?!”

I sigh; “I’m going to the orphanage, alright?”

“Why the hell are you going there?”

“I’m going to visit my cousin,” I say.

“Oh. Right.” He pauses. Does he sound… disappointed? “I need to get some training stuff, so get your stupid ass over to the mall afterwards. Make your stupid visit quick.”

Translation: “Come to the mall with me.”

“Ok.” I answer. 

“You better not be late, ya hear?!”

Translation: “I need you.” That’s a weird one.

“Yes, Katsuki,” I sigh.

“Don’t sound so fucking tired! I was nice enough to let you come!”

“You told me to come…”

“T-That’s what I meant! Don’t be a smartass!”

Translation: “Please just come.” What the hell? Is this even Katsuki?

“So you better be there, Frizzy, you stupid fuckass bitch!”

Yup, it’s Katsuki.

“Don’t get your pants in a twist,” I retort, “I’ll be there!”

I hang up before he starts screaming at me, or before he takes his offer back.  

“Ah well,” my smile returns briefly, “at least he was nice enough to order me to come, rather than just ignore me.”

“(Y/N/N),” (C/N) says quietly, watching as the wobbly Thomas the Tank Engine I gave him for his birthday rattles around the track we built a couple of minutes ago, “you have friends, right?”

“Yes?” it comes out as more of a question. I'm confused; does he think I'm lonely?

As if reading my thoughts, he raises his head and mumbles, “You always look a bit… sad.”

“Oh (C/N),” I say softly, touched by his concern. “I just… don't like seeing you without your parents. It's sad, you know? To see a kid grow up without their family.”

“You're my family, though," he states, laying his head on my lap. I shuffle my legs to accommodate to the sudden weight, absentmindedly running a hand through his bristley (C/H) locks.

“It's hard to explain, (C/N),” I sigh.

He pauses, then; “Tell me about one of your friends.”

I consider the request carefully, the gentle pattering of the rain outside echoing in my thoughts.

“His name is Katsuki Bakugou,” I start, “and well—” I laugh, “—he's a memorable character, that's for sure. Our… friendship, if you could call it that, is built on respect. And he's not the typical run-of-the-mill guy.”

“How?” (C/N) asks, genuinely interested.

“For one thing, that bastard is always so damn full of himself. There's no end to his ego; he's super rude to most people; he thinks everyone is below him; he's short tempered and insensitive…” I trail off, before I find myself smiling, “however, he's passionate, and hard working, and he will reach his goal. He's an asshole, but hidden deep underneath… I have seen glimpses of better qualities. He just hides it. I also respect him a lot because of his motivation. He doesn't let anything get between his target. He's also incredibly strong, and smart. He knows what he's doing in combat, and if you're his friend, you'll learn that.” I chuckle dryly, “I have to say, I'm quite proud that I got in his good books, as far as I know there are only three or four people there.” 

(C/N) is silent for a moment, before saying, “You make strange friends.”

“I believe I do, (C/N) (C/L/N),” I lean back, resting my arms behind my head, and allowing my eyes to close; “but I don't regret it.”

The smile on my face refuses to move.

A/N: constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Also compliments, if there are any to give :/

A Series Of Incidents (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now