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“Oh, fuck me sideways-”

Today is not going as I intended. It was supposed to be a simple day at school, but the fact that Aizawa paired me up with Todoroki for sparring… well, you can guess what’s happening right about now. 

A flick of my wrist frees me from his grasp, as I whip around with a left hook; he catches it, and jabs with his left, so I catch that. We both grunt in annoyance, and I quickly use my foot to try to pull out his weight from beneath. He moves his foot and I hit air, but I pull myself under him to free my captured wrists.

It’s no secret that Todoroki and I are rivals; both being very experienced in martial arts, there’s something unspoken between us. We know it; Aizawa knows it; the whole damn class knows it. And that’s probably the reason why our peers have halted their own fights to look at our own rather heated one. 

“G-Go, (Y/N)!” Midoriya; my cinnamon roll, he's too good for this world.

“Yeah! Get him (Y/N)!” Uraraka; a ball of sunshine who breaks the laws of physics. Where's Isaac Newton when you need him?

“I actually think Todoroki’s at an advantage here…” Sero; free tape. You can't blame me when I admit that I don't have to glue stick because of his advantageous quirk.

“I have to agree. (N/N) seems a little out of focus.” Kirishima?!

I let myself talk for a moment, “Kirishima, you dirty traitor! Who’s side are you on?!”

“Agh! I mean, uh, get him (N/N)!”

That’s more like it.

“Although it does raise a point. (Y/N) seems out of focus. It’s 70% likely they’ll lose this one.” Momo.

To hell with statistics. I’m winning this!

“FRIZZY!” for some odd reason, Katsuki’s voice distracts me the most, “KICK THAT HALF AND HALF BASTARD’S ASS!”

That comment somehow spurs me on, as I yeet forward a particularly aggressive punch, that Todoroki barely manages to dodge. He narrows his heterochromatic eyes; he can see it. He can see it in my face, my whole expression is screaming, ‘Today is the day I win!’


And just like that suddenly we’re both giving it our full potential. We’ve only ever come to draws, literally fighting until the end of the session. But today, we both know there can only be one winner.

“Ooh, it’s getting really intense, the hell?!”

“Shut up and watch, shitty hair!” Katsuki bellows. “(Y/N)! IF YOU LOSE, I’LL KILL YOU!”

Momentarily I freeze; he used my name… 

Shaking the thought away, I block Todoroki’s slightly slower than normal uppercut. In a blurry move, I sidestep, tugging his arm forwards, pulling his body down. What are you going to do now, Icyhot? The corner of my mouth flickers upwards, as he does exactly what I predicted. He pulls my leg, in an attempt to make me go down with him.

I lower my hand quickly, using my fingers to slip underneath his grasp, and twist his body chest forwards. His eyes widen with shock, as I speedily pull his left wrist up as his body hits the floor, using one foot on his back and the other on his other arm.

I have him pinned.

“One!” Aizawa calls out, counting to three. Todoroki pulls and I flinch; he really is strong. It’s taking all of my power to keep him down. Sweat drips down my brow, as I grit my teeth. He pulls again, harder this time, as Aizawa announces the second count.

A Series Of Incidents (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now