t w e n t y - s i x

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"it seems that your eyes are very sensitive to light, but flashes in particular, and I'm pretty sure it will be slightly worse from now on." the man explained.
"but I've never hand problems like this and my eyes have never failed once to look at the sun." I said laughing a little. "Yes, but something triggered this and I'm not sure what it might be. we will add some eye drops and leave a warm towel on for about 15 minutes and you should be ready to see again." the man said.

right away I felt the presence of two bodies, one person applied three drops in both eyes, the other put a warm towel on my eyes. "Close your eyes don't keep them open, it'll make it easier for the light to reflect the heat of the towel into your eyes so the medicine goes down alright?" the man said. "Alright" I replied. "we will be back to check up on you" he said before I heard the door slam. I felt movement come towards me. "y/n.." tim grabbed my hand but I was quick to remove it from him.

"don't touch me." I said. "Umm.. I'm going to leave you two alone.." Jack said. In seconds I heard the door open then close. "what did I do?" timothée asked. "just shut up, you should know." I said aggressively. "ok.. ok.. remind me so I'm sure." he said. *he literally is acting like he didn't just kiss a fan. like just because she less of a person doesn't mean it doesn't matter.*

"why do you just leave, I'm sitting here with blind eyes. I need to focus and you're making me want to open my eyes." I explained. "okay then we can talk when this is over." he said. and he did just that, he stayed quiet as I let the medicine soak my eyes. it burned slightly but I didn't attempt to open my eyes cause I knew it was bad enough already.


"okayyy let's look at theses eyes." the doctor removed the towel from my face. "woah wtf.." timothée looked at me like I was crazy, his eyes were wide open. "doc, what's wrong with her eyes? it looks like she is bleeding." jack asked. "It's the medicine soaked in, it will go away in a few minutes. but for now you can buy eye drops and if you are thinking of getting near a camera or taking pictures, apply them."

"and since this was unexpected, just apply before you leave your home." he said. "okay, thank you"
we left the office and I looked at my phone my eyes looked like I had just gotten out of the shower but slightly a little more red. "well, it's 10PM. just a few more hours." jack said. "yeah well we should get back to the house before it gets any more late." timothée said.

we got an Uber and headed for the house, we arrived and there was aidan, ona, wyatt and sophia drunk out of their minds. "f-fucking hell where have you guys been? party started a long time ago." sophia said. "yeah well y/n had an accident." jack said. "what happened?" ona asked. "some guy came and snapped my picture so close to my face I went blind for awhile so I went to get it fixed."

"ahhh.. well sit have a drink with us" sophia said motioning for me to sit next to her. "I'd rather jump off a cliff than be here right now." I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to my room well.. me and tims room. "wait y/n?" I heard his voice but I ignored him. I marched upstairs and slammed my door. *I'm having this horrible feeling again, I feel like I want to yell but nothing seems to come out. I hate me, it feels like I'm not good enough to just be his. the fact that he has to kiss someone else..?

maybe I'm overreacting. but it still isn't okay for him to kiss someone else. I might just drown in my own tears right now.* after about an hour I fell asleep. *I had no intention on waking up, not for anyone or anything. I just want to sleep and never wake up. why are all these emotions suddenly tumbling down on me. why do-* my thoughts were gone I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I looked at the contact and it was finn.

"Umm hello?" "you sound sleepy? did I wake you? I'm sorry.." he said. "No.. it's okay. I'm just, tired. It's been a long day." I explained. "Ahh.. well, it's 11:40 *excuse me what* and before things get. crazy I thought I might say happy birthday. I hope this is the best year for you. and I love you." he said. "thank you so much it mean a lot to me." I said. "No problem" he said. I chuckled as things got silent. "Soo.. are you home yet?" I asked.

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