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<what's up?> Sadie asked <I don't know.. I just, my head hurts, and I have this feeling> <describe?> she said <it's like, Finn is my absolute best friend, I've shared so many experiences with him, but.. does he like me?> <oh, I don't know about that..i mean he might> she said < I don't even want to begin thinking what that's like. he's my best friend. i could NEVER> <maybe, maybe, you should just try things out?> she says.

<I don't want to and I don't know how to talk to him in a way that he thinks I don't like him, and I don't want him to be led on or anything> < then talk to him> she said <I guess> <okay, well don't stress, c'mon let's go back and eat> she said. we walked out and ate for a few more minutes, and then it was time for gym, I never go to gym. I go to an abandoned building in the back of the school with Finn to smoke.

<hey> Finn says as he greets my with a hug <hey> I had already been smoking. <how's it going so far?> he asked <I hate it I just wanna leave already> <lmaoo, don't worry, we're gonna get hella drunk later> he adds <I'd be nice to just ditch and go right now> I said <we just got 1 more class alright?> he says <since when have you ever failed or hesitated to skip school?> I said <since...today> <your a dork> <no I'm not> we laughed for a minute finn took a puff of his cig and when he was I quickly dropped it on him.

<do you like me> I asked, he started coughing from choking on the air <what?> <do you like me> <well yes, your my ride or die.> <well, no.. like, a girlfriend type of thing?> I said it as if I was in elementary school or something. I've never dated anyone, nor Finn, so it was weird for us to have this kind of conversation. <well, in that case. No, no I don't.>

Finn's POV

you lying son of a bitch.. of course I have feelings for y/n, I have for so long now. she's it for me, we share the same interests and everything. she's perfect for me. I'm sure other people would think the same.

y/n's POV

<okay, well. class is changing so we should head back now> I said <okay> I walked into the building and straight into math, we took a test. I'm pretty sure I flunked it but, do I care? no. I went to my locker well the bell rang I grabbed my board and left all my stuff, I leave it there all week and take it all home Friday. I put my board down and slowly boarded down the hallway.

When I got to the steps outside I jumped up on the rail and slid all the way down and jump off of it, Finn was behind me and did the same thing <your so good at that> he stated < I learn from the best> I said as I pushed Finn back, he followed up and I walked a little bit down the street, when I got to the sidewalk, Finn was beside me <you ready?> Finn said.

<always> after that I was gone I was boarding down the street so fast, Finn was a little bit far behind, ever since Finn taught me how to board I've been in competition with him. We race to his house everyday, it's funny cause I almost always win😎

<you cheated> Finn said as he caught up to me getting up the stairs to his house. <winning is winning> I said <oh whatever> I went to the kitchen a greeted momma Wolfhard. He grabbed the beers from the fridge and we went to his room. I call Finn's mom my mother, simply because she chill and is more of a mom than mine.

I cracked my beer, I drink Modelo their my favorite, Finn, well he sticks to his bud light. <so, what's on your mind> he asks <nothing really> I say then drinking out of my beer <yk, we're gonna make it out of here> he said <I don't want to be in this part of ATL anymore.> <I want to live in a tall building in downtown that would be real nice> I said < you'll make it there. I know you will> he said

we played music and got really drunk, we smoked some cigs and danced until Finn fell asleep. I tucked him in all wobbly and shit I almost fell trying to leave him room <hey momma, c-can you take me h-h-home now?> <yes ofc let's go> she said. she dropped me off and I put my board on the porch. I walked inside and straight into the shower, the warm water really makes me feel better and makes me sober up a bit.

when I got to my room I immediately knocked out.


it's another day and im washing my face off and brushing my teeth. I went back to my room and got dressed, today I would be styling a rainbow stripped long sleeve with high waisted jeans with yellow high top all stars, with my necklaces & rings. I wore my hair back in a low ponytail with some earrings in. I put on lip gloss and eyeshadow with mascara

I went downstairs and I was headed straight for the door when suddenly <y/n..> my mom says <what.>
<come here> my dad said, they were both sitting at the table, I walked over and sat in a chair. <what? I need to go Finn's going to be wai-> <enough abt that boy!😒> my dad says <is that what this about?, I'm not going to stop being friends with him, okay? I can choose my own friends and hangout with whoever I want> <you came in this house late last night. why> my mom asked

<I was at Finn's drinking> <and you think we don't care? your not helping yourself out with doing half the shit you do with that boy.> my dad said <that BOY. has a name.😡> <okay, let's all calm down. listen, do whatever you want take all the drugs you want. but I want you in this house before 9:00PM you understand? Me and your father are bettering ourselves with counseling, but 9 o'clock ok?> my mom stated. <yep> I said not even caring, I walked outside, I grabbed my board and skated faster, knowing he was probably about to come out.

Luckily I caught him on time, he walked out as soon as I stopped <woah, good morning to you. Why were you late?> <I woke up late, last night had me still> <ahh, makes sense> I lit up my daily cigar and we began skating, I was just quiet thinking about what my mom was saying. <hey, are you okay?> he asked <yeah I'm fine.> i was just quiet, didn't say anything else. We got to school, once again boarding down the hallway.

when i put my board up, I began walking to the courtyard with Sadie that's before the intercom said, "y/n y/l/n to the front office immediately" <what'd you do> Sadie asked < we'll see, I'll be back> I began walking down the hallway to the front office, there I was met with the principal at the door.

<y/n, pleasure seeing you again, follow me.> we went into mr. wheelers office (no cap my assist. principals name is mr. wheeler) there I was met with another person, the new kid? < y/n this is jaeden, jaeden this is y/n our biggest visitor here at the office> he said ,  jaeden was cute, he was not too bad looking I could feel him staring at me which I thought was kind of weird .

<so you brought me up here to shake hands with the new kid cause I'm the baddest here? rude. what do you think imma bully him?> < no, ik your not that kind of trouble maker, you know what kind you are> <so why did you call me up here?> <well I heard you were skipping class yesterday, you ditched gym and go to barn in the back to smoke, you have a plea?> <im guilty!🥺 and yk I'm proud of it ;)> I'm used to getting detention and didn't care if I got it again.

<of course you are🤦🏻‍♂️> <so what is it this time? suspension, detention? c'mon wheeler keep it real with me> jaeden stared giggling silently , I looked over at him and winked at him <god when will you give me a break y/n?> <haha> <okay, well. not only did I bring you here to punish you, but also to tell you that jaeden has all classes with you> <sweet, so can I know my punishment now?> <jaeden is your punishment>


<so you have every class with me? Including gym>I asked <every single one> he said.

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