If I Could Fly

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"fighting losing battles are wars without victories." 

Jason Baptiste 

~Em's POV~

My eyes fluttered open, for a brief moment I panicked that I was in the hospital. Then, I remembered that it was my doing. Was I dead? Why were there so many people rushing around me? What if I failed? If I'm still alive where's my dad? Where's Reece?

"Her eyes are open!" A nurse shouted, having looked up at me after adjusting an IV in my arm. Shit, I was still alive. 

"Hi Emily, can you hear me?" A man in a white lab coat had crouched by the side on my bed, making it much easier for me to look at him. I nodded softly in response, still confused about how many people were in here, and why they were all staring at me. 

"That's impossible," One of them said, looking down at a clipboard in her hands. I blinked at few times, staring back at her shocked expression. 

"Her vitals are all back to normal," I nurse beside me remarked. 

"Emily, you're a very strong girl. Don't ever forget that." The doctor said from the side of the small, lumpy hospital bed. 

"You're dad and sister are going to want to see you as soon as they get the news. Is it okay if we bring them in?" He asked. I nodded, still having a hard time grasping the reality around me. Before I woke up everything felt so peaceful. There was a woman, she told me I was beautiful but sent me back. Something about me needing to love my dad because she never could. 

The doctor made his way towards the door but before he could make it all the way out the nurse stopped him. "Warn them." Warn them about what? Not even three minutes passed before my dad and Reece made their way into the small, cramped room. A look of relief flashed across both of their faces. 

"I'm so sorry for everything." Reece grabbed my hand tightly, as if she let it go, she'd lose me all over again. 

"It's not your fault." I mumbled not having the strength to pull my hand from her grasp, even if I wanted to. 

"Yes it is. Family is the most important thing and I looked past that. You and dad are the only people who have never left me. You're the only ones that I know will love me no matter what. I messed that up Em. This whole argument, the way I've treated you it's my fault. I made a big deal out of nothing and I almost lost you. I'm so so sorry," Her pressure increased on my hand as tears slipped from her eyes. 

"I'm sorry too. I should have told you sooner and I should have talked with you about it before it was too late. I love you so much." Tears began to fall from my eyes. 

"Em," My dad whispered from beside me. I looked at him "Please promise me you'll never do that again." I could see the tears forming in his bloodshot eyes. I nodded. 

"I promise," his eyes flickered to my arms.

"That too?" A tear fell from his eye. I looked down at my exposed arms, covered in scars, new and old. I nodded, more tears falling from my face. 

"Can I ask you something?" I looked him in the eyes. He nodded in response. 

"When I was- asleep? I saw someone but it wasn't like a dream. It felt real. I think I saw mom. What- what was she like?" I asked. Something about his entire demeanor changed immediately as he took a seat next to the bed. 

"Your mother wasn't a good person," He sighed.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, confused as to why he seemed to have a sort of hatred for our mom. 

"Girls I need you to understand that while you are my entire world and I love you with every piece of my heart I never loved your mom." Confusion fell across my face.

"What do you mean?" Reece asked, the two of us sharing a confused glance. Her question was met with another sigh. 

"When you were born both your mother and I were in prison, luckily I got released only a few days after your birth. As you already know I was wrongly accused of murder. Your mother on the other hand was a convicted hit woman who killed over 200 people." To say my jaw dropped was an understatement. 

"Why did you- I mean like if we're your kids then you-" Reece stuttered, obviously not wanting to talk about the fact that they would have had to... make a baby together in order to have us. 

"I didn't," He grimaced, "She claimed to have conceived you guys in Mexico, while I was under a heavy influence of drugs. I didn't believe her at the time but when I was released," He paused for a second, "I requested a DNA test." 

"And?" I whispered, wondering now if maybe we weren't really his biological children. Maybe for some reason he took it upon himself to raise the two daughters of a psychopath. 

"She wasn't lying." 

"How?" Reece asked him, followed by another sigh. 

"She pretended to be my ex-girlfriend while I was on drugs,"

"What was her name?" I asked, I knew now that she was a bad person, but she was still my mother. 

"Catherine Adams." He spoke her name coldly. 

"What- what happened to her?" Reece asked. Dad sighed again, causing a knot in my stomach to form. 

"The court allowed her to carry out her pregnancy but three days after she had you she was executed." He looked between us with sympathy in his eyes. She may have killed people but knowing that your mother was executed isn't easy to stomach. Both Reece and I failed to hold back our tears for the second time tonight. 

"Thank you for not, you know hating us after all of that happened to you," I whispered, sending as much of a smile as I could manage to my dad.

"She may not have been my family and she never will be. But you guys are and nothing is ever going to change that." He pulled the both of us into a hug, "Family is everything."

"I've always heard that every ending is a new beginning, we just don't know it at the time, I'd like to believe that's true."

Emily Prentiss

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