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Matter of Time (Interlude)~Ashton Irwin

To My Parents~Anna Clendening

"Lies and secrets, they are like a cancer in the soul. They eat away what is good and leave only destruction behind."

Cassandra Clare

~Em's POV~

Unfortunately for us, well for me, the jet ride home was like it always is. Celebratory and Talkative. I couldn't help but feel like something was going to go wrong. Everyone was talking, playing games, having fun, and all I wanted to do was sit alone and cry. Not suspicious at all right? Suddenly a voice interrupted my thoughts,

"Hey kid, you okay? You've been pretty quiet," I looked up to see Uncle Morgan. It could be worse, it could be literally anyone else. After taking a glance around the Jet, I figured I was safe to talk, everyone else was distracted.

"Reese is really upset with me," I sighed, moving my head to rest on his shoulder, at least I had someone I could open up to. But is that really what I want to do?

"And why's that?" He asked, continuing to rub circles into my back. He clearly wanted answers but I don't know how many I want to give him.

"Henry," I responded simply, not feeling able to explain the situation without crying. Even if I wanted too, which I don't. It still hurt that she couldn't accept I was happy. That I wasn't leaving her behind just because someone else came into my life as more then just a friend.

"You mean because you guys are a little thing," He nudged me, clearly trying to make light of the situation. I attempted to smile slightly before nodding. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find any light in the situation, or at all for that matter.

"She thinks because I'm with him that I'm never going to talk to her again. Or that I'll be too busy with him or something," I mumbled, probably saying more then I should have.

"Interesting how she's the one not talking to you," I sat up and looked at him. How the hell did he know that?

"How'd you-"

"I haven't heard you two say a word to each other in three days, you're usually inseparable," He observed.

Damn profilers. If he's noticed, that means the others have too. Which means it's only a matter of time before we get home and my dad has questions. Only this time, I'm not so sure Reese would lie for me. If she doesn't, everything is going to go wrong.

"Em," He spoke my name softly, I looked up at him questionably. "You hear me now?" I nodded, focusing back down on my lap.

"You know it's not your fault right?" I felt the tears threaten to spill from my eyes. These simple words begged me to break down. I couldn't let this happen right now. Not here. I nodded slightly, my head still against his shoulder.

"Man, now I know what your dad is talking about," I looked up at him, confusion written across my face.

"He always said that you, more then your sister, would try to get things past him, try to hid your feelings. Em, you do know that our job is to see right through that right?" He chuckled, clearly slightly amused that I thought I could just get away without telling him what's really wrong. Worst part is, I knew just as well as he did that through all my lies, I had already told him everything.

He was right, I was always trying to hid my feelings from my dad. Not tell him the truth when he asked what was wrong. That's why I'm in this whole situation. I'm hiding the fact that Henry makes me happy. And I tried hiding it from Reese too.

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