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Someone To You~BANNERS

One Day~Jackson Michelson

"Regret is such a short word... and yet it stretches on forever."

Ranata Suzuki

~Em's POV~

After splitting between the two cars we drove over to Quantico before our parents got off work. I ended up in the car with Reese and Jack who was driving. I was kind of upset that I couldn't go with Henry but I guess I really need to get over that, it's not like I'm any better friends with him then anyone else is.

I stared out the window as Jack and Reese talked about our new forensics project that was apparently assigned today.

"Who are you picking?" Reese said turning back to me.

"What?" I asked snapping out of my trance.

"What serial killer are you picking to do your project on?" She asked.

"Ummmm I don't know. I might talk to the team about some interesting ones they've done... or like Ted Bunny or something,"

"BORRRING!!!" Jack teased me, "I'm doing Ed Gein," he finished.

"Who's that?" I asked clueless.

"A serial killer who killed people in order to make a suit out of human skin and wear it."

"Oh..." I responded slightly disturbed but to be honest I've heard enough terrible things that it doesn't really get to me too much anymore. Before too much longer we pulled up to Quantico. We all hopped out of the car and as I trailed behind Reese and Jack I couldn't help but to hope that Henry was only a few minutes behind us.

Taking the elevator, we soon found our way to Morgan's office where we usually did our homework and found that everyone else was already in there. Thank god. Time to get started I guess...


A few hours later it was finally time to leave. Reese got in the front seat so I hopped in the back as dad started driving home. They started talking about what they wanted for dinner and I wasn't particularly interested in making conversation so I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my very much private Instagram account. My dad wouldn't let me have a public one because it "made me a target" like no dad your work makes me a target but what are ya gonna do?

I continued looking through some memes adding occasional input to the dinner conversation as it was necessary. Then it hit me. I had never thanked Henry for lunch or for playing on the structure with me for two hours. Quickly, I pulled out my phone and sent him a text.

'Thank you so much for lunch today! I really did have a great time! 💕'

I hit send and went back to looking through Instagram. A few minutes later Michael's name popped up on my phone, sending a loud alarm noise throughout the car. I jumped so high I legitimately hit my head.

"What was that?" Dad asked looking back at me.

"Just Micheal," I said.

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