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Girl Crush~Harry Styles

Perfect~Ed Sheeran

"Meeting you was a fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control,"


~Henry's POV~

My video went viral. And I mean viral, viral. So I really had no excuse not to ask her out. I started to brainstorm ways to ask her but I couldn't come up with anything that didn't make me extremely nervous. I didn't want to ruin our friendship and I certainly didn't want to make her uncomfortable. I ran a hand through my hair as a sigh escaped from my lips, what if she doesn't even like me?

Maybe I could send her my video? No that's stupid. She could think I mean something else.

Maybe I'll just ask her to the movies. She's been wanting to see the new Disney movie that came out. Perfect.

But what if she doesn't like me back? What if she thinks it's weird? We've been best friends for too long or something? Why are girls so complicated?

The more I thought about it the deeper my thoughts spiraled. I started seeing every possible outcome in my head. Some of them good, others not so much. I couldn't stop thinking about not only her reaction but her dads, and my families.

What would everyone think of us being together? What if it's too weird. I wanted more then anything to just scrap the idea, to not have to worry about the pain of rejection or trying to hide it from our parents.

In the end I just couldn't. Every time I saw her I wanted nothing more then to be able to tell her how beautiful she looked, to hold her hand, and be there for her. I wanted her to be mine.


~Em's POV~

As I got ready the next morning I felt like my heart had sunk through my chest. I didn't want to see Henry and I didn't want to hear his story's about how he had this new super great girlfriend. I wasn't interested. Unless that girlfriend was me. I know that seems super selfish, but I just like him so much that knowing he's with someone else makes me so upset.

I know my heartache will only get worse when I see him with her. Every time I see him it'll be a constant reminder that I wasn't good enough. I wasn't ready.


After forcing us to eat breakfast dad urged us into the car to get to school. Early as always. I didn't say a word the whole way there. I was definitely not excited to go.

"You feeling okay Em?" My dad asked. WAIT A SECOND. This was my chance, I couldn't avoid it forever but I could avoid it today. I need to get over this one step at a time, and I want nothing more but to make this first step as long as possible.

"No not really," I said in a quiet voice, he looked back at me and nodded. He waved Reese out of the car and turned back to me as he backed out of the parking space. I mentally celebrated but for obvious reasons, didn't change my expression.

"Sometimes I think you forget profiling people is my job," Oh no. That can't be a good sign.


"It's okay you can come with me today, but we're going to talk about it," He said. What in the world was I supposed to tell him. 'Oh yeah well it's just that your co-workers son. My best friend. You know the one who's like my cousin? Yeah. Well he's about to ask a girl out and I'm so jealous that I don't want to see him'. That seems like a perfect plan.

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