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Good Years~ZAYN

Even My Dad Does Sometimes~Ed Sheeran

"There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds."

Laurell K. Hamilton

~Reese's POV~

After we had landed it was really late at night and so were we all went straight to the hotel rooms. Dad was in the shower so for now it was just Em and I. Even after the whole flight, I couldn't help but wish that she wasn't here.

I know I shouldn't be as upset with her as I am but we had always promised to stick together and I just couldn't shake the feeling that I was slowly losing her to stupid Henry. I turned to her, the noise from the shower roaring in the background. My heart raced and I felt everything inside me change, even though all I needed to do was ask her one simple question.

"Why?" She looked at me, confused for half a second and then sighed in realization. I knew she didn't want to talk about it. I knew she didn't want to talk to me. But in the end, if I didn't talk to her that's when I would really lose her. And it would most certainly be to Henry.

"Reese, I'm happy. Why can't you accept that?" She said. The anger began to slowly boil to my surface again. I felt like a walking volcano, ready to explode at any second. Oh I don't know, maybe because it's always been you and me against the world? Maybe because I can see the way you're changing because of this stupid boy. I didn't say that. She couldn't see it. I took a breath to control my anger before I spoke.

"Em, you promised me, we've always been together. We promised each other that we would never leave one and other,"

"We have to move on to a certain extent! Reese I'm not going to marry you and have babies! We have got to have some life of our own! I'm not leaving you and I'm not moving on! We're just getting older, growing up. I'm learning to be my own person." I felt the tears rise in my eyes and my stomach churned.

"I know! But your keeping secrets! You're changing to quickly it's not right Em! I'm sorry I'm such a baby but I miss you! You've been skipping classes, never pay attention in them, going behind dad's back for literally everything and that's just not you!" I whisper shouted at her, even with how angry I was right now, I didn't want to get her in trouble.

"For the love of god it's my life Reece! If that's what I want to do it's up to me!"

"Yeah, make sure you tell dad that when you get caught," I said coldly and turned away. She very quickly turned back, ready to say something but the bathroom door opened, shutting both of us up. This conversation was over and we both knew it.

"Girls you need to get to sleep, we've got to be in the station early tomorrow," Dad told us, I heard Em sigh, causing me to roll my eyes. I knew very well what she was about to do. Dad did too.

"Why can't we just stay here?" Em whined.

"You know very well we're not about to leave you alone when we were called her to help assist in catching a serial killer," He said as he turned the lights off. The same answer we got every time we asked. She sighed and got into bed. I did the same, leaving her one message before I fell asleep.

Reese- The least you could have done was told me.


~Em's POV~

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