Chapter 23:

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It's been years since I've left my home. I'm 20 now. I've been having dreams of all my friends. It's a good dream at first and then... Shigaraki comes and kills everyone. I still keep in touch with everyone. Since I've left Katsuki has been...different. Mina told me he wasn't himself. He didn't yell at anyone or call them names, he just stayed quiet and barely left his room.

I told her that soon I'm flying back to surprise him and everyone else of course. I know this time I'm not leaving. I'm staying for sure. I'm packing at the current moment. I got all my clothes and stuff bags and I have on a white tube top, with black leather jacket, and leather tight pants. Along with my high heeled boots. My hair is still short and it's down like always and I painted my nails black. My wings were tucked in and my tail moved gently behind me.

Life here was boring. Not many villains were around and I didn't make friends. I guess they knew about my past somehow... It didn't matter though I didn't need friends here when I have a whole class of them back home.

I finished packing and noticed my phone went off. I looked at it and noticed it was my sleepy friend Shinzo. I pressed the green button and held my phone up to my ear.


"Hey Kira, been awhile."

"Yeah I guess being a hero does take time away from friends." I said and I heard him chuckle from the other end.

"Sure does. Did you ever decide to be a hero?"

"Nope. I went back to being a villain." I said with a smirk. I heard him spit out whatever he was drinking, probably coffee.

"What!? Kira you can't be serious!" He said shocked.

I laughed, "kidding."

"Your an asshole." He chuckled.

"Yeah but you love me."

"That's debatable."

"Oh ouch." We both laughed. "How's everyone doing?" I asked.

"You know the usual. Bakugou is moping around while everyone else is being heros. He's actually gotten better I think."

"Yeah I feel bad for leaving. Just between me, you and Mina I'm coming back soon and I want a huge party to celebrate. You and Mina will get the decorations and such and she's telling everyone else except Katsuki. It will be at Mina's house, that's where I'll be staying until I get everything figured out. Think ya can help out?"

"Yeah sounds great. You know if there's alcohol everyone's getting wasted right?"

"Hell yeah. That's the fun part." He chuckled at my enthusiasm.

"Aight do you know when?"

"A week. I still gotta get packed and sell my shit hole of a house. Oh yeah how's Dadzowa?" I asked curiously.

"He's good, got a few cats and Eri is living with him now. He's teaching her about her quirk and such."

"That's good. Tell him I'm coming to visit soon, kay?"

"Yeah will do."

"I gotta go cya."

"Bye." He said and I hung up.

I sighed and looked through my contacts. I should talk to Dadzowa to tell him. I pressed the call button and put it to my ear.

"Hello?" A tired voice said from the other end. I think he just probably woke up.

"Hey Dadzowa." I said chucking a little.

"Kira, that you?" He asked me.

"Yep! Did you just wake up?"

"No Eri woke me up early this morning and I've been tired since."

"I hear about Eri a lot I can't wait to meet her."

"How ya gonna do that without...your coming back!?" He asked. He sounded somewhat excited and shocked.

I laughed a little. "Yup. Having a party too. I can't wait to see everyone again."

"Heh, can't wait to see ya too kid."

"Hey I'm not a kid anymore." I laughed.

"Your still a kid to me. Anyways, when ya gonna get here?"

"Soon. About a week. Gotta sell this piece of shit dumb I call home first."

He chuckled, "you a hero yet?"

"No I decided to be a villain again."


"I'm kidding." I laughed. "I am a hero here but they know I'm going back to my home."

"That's good. Do you like it?"

"Yeah being a hero is easy for me because I've been a villain so I know a lot about them."

"Yeah. Can't wait to have ya working along side us kid."

"Thanks." I smiled.

"I gotta get going Eri is wanting me to train with her."

"Have fun."

"Yeah you too." And with that he hung up. I sighed and set my phone down. I walk over to my things and get back to packing.

"This will be exciting."

In Love With A Spy (Bakugou x OC) Lemons Where stories live. Discover now