Chapter 11:

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Kira POV

I wake up with a large leathery blanket over me. After a few minutes I noticed it was my wings. I was so happy I could jump with excitement. Sadly everyone was still sleeping so I carefully got up and walked to the living room. Kaminari was sleeping on the couch and Bakugou was sleeping on the floor.

Kirishima and I got our own rooms since I was a girl and kiri wanted to sleep by himself. I smiled to myself as I watched the boys sleep. Kaminari had really messy hair and Bakugou, his hair is always messy.

I gently shook Bakugou awake.

"What the hell." He said. I quickly shushed him.

"We gotta go we have school today." I whispered. He nodded and grabbed our stuff.

We walked out of the house and Bakugou looked at me.

"I could fly us home if you want." I said with a smile.

"He sure let's do that."

"Come here." I said opening my arms out as if I was going to give him a hug. I grab him and open my wings. "I've never done this before so here we go." And we took off.

Time skip

When we got there I landed perfectly. Bakugou and I got inside and went to his room. I grabbed my stuff and went into the bathroom for a bath.

Another fricking time skip

After my bath I put on my uniform. I must have grown a bit because it was tight as heck around my chest. I let out a sigh and leave a few bottoms undone. The skirt fit well enough. I just shrugged it off and finished getting ready.

Bakugou and I left soon and walked to school.

Time skip

We were all in class waiting for Aizowa to come in. Of course I was board as hell a d Mineta was flirting with me.

"Listen Mineta I don't like you and no one in this class or universe will ever like you." I said harshly and Bakugou just snickered. Mineta looks sad and walked away. I was obviously proud and then Aizowa walks in. I sighed and listened to what he had to say.

"Everyone get into your seats and be quiet. Ryou its nice to see you joined us. You missed the sports festival."

"Yes I sorry I was out of town visiting my family." I said to our teacher. He sighed and continued.

"Soon we will be going to a training camp. The camp will help your quirk and you will be training roughly." ( I don't know what he said lol) "We will be leaving in about three days so be ready." He said and the rest of class was pretty boring.

*lunch time*

When class ended I quickly went up to Bakugou and we walked together to the cafeteria. Of course I had a cup of blood with me so we sat with Kirishima, Mina, Sero, and Kaminari. They all talked while I sipped on the blood.

I looked over and saw Bakugou eating some kind of spicy chicken.

"Stop looking at my food dumbass." He said as he ate a piece of chicken.

"Oh sorry I just never tried chicken before." I said as my face turned pink. He looked at me shocked.

"Here wanna try some?" He asked while holding up a piece. I nodded and he brought the chicken up close to my mouth. I took a small bite. My eyes grew wide by the taste. It tasted sweet but spicy at the same time.

"Its good right?" He said with a shit eating smirk.

"Yeah." Was all I could say. Everyone was shocked by Bakugou's soft side.

"So are y'all two like dating or something?" Kirishima asked with a smirk.

"No." I said calmly.

"Would you like to date each other?" Mina asked with a smirk.

"Like hell I would date her." Bakugou said pointing to me as I just shrugged.

"I guess that's fair." I said while going to sip on my blood.

"Hey Kira?" Mina said I hummed I response. "Where do you get that blood from?"

"I hunt deer about every week." I said finishing off my lunch.

"That's cool teach me to hunt!" Mina said excitedly.

"I'm I'm good."

Time skip

The rest of the day was extremely boring and I had only one thought in my mind. 'I need to go back to the League. Tomura can protect me.'

"Yo Ryou! You look like you got something on your mind." Kirishima said pulling me from my thoughts.

"Oh sorry Kirishima. I uh gotta go." I said running from the red head. Once I got outside I spread my wings and fly off.

When I got to Bakugou's house I quickly grab all my stuff and write a note for Bakugou.

Dear Bakugou-
I appreciate you saving me but I don't need you to look after me. This may be the last time I see you. Goodbye.

I set the note down on his nightstand and flew out the window.

Time skip

When I reached the old bar. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

In Love With A Spy (Bakugou x OC) Lemons Where stories live. Discover now