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Laken P.O.V

Tristin began to carry me throughout the mansion with ease, clearly knowing his way around. Would I ever know my way around this place? Would I even need to learn the layout? Would I even be allowed in this mansion after everything is over? I need to stop thinking like that. I'm his mate; I doubt he's even going to let me out of his sight, let alone out of the mansion. It wasn't like I could go home right now anyway.

I was oblivious as to where we were going. Another con with not knowing the building's layout was that I was even more clueless as to where we were heading. I'd seriously have to ask for a map soon so I could get from one room to another without stumbling around looking like an idiot. I'd probably still look equally stupid walking around with my nose buried in a map, but it sounds a whole lot better than walking down the same hallway three times, thinking I was finding new uncharted territory.

Where we ended up going was most definitely uncharted, dangerous territory. We arrived at a door that seemed innocent enough, not threatening in the slightest, but when Tristin knocked on the door, the voice that answered would have made me run in the opposite direction.

A female voice screamed, 'WHAT?!' at the top of her lungs. Hearing it made me tense up badly, as I immediately knew who the voice belonged too. Why did he bring me to Trina's room of all places?

Tristin took the scream as an invitation to enter the room, where I would have taken any noise made by Trina as a warning sign to f*ck off.

In a way, I felt like we could have been friends if we met under different circumstances. I would have had to be oblivious to the supernatural world and my role in or unafraid of dragons, both things that were not true when we first met. It didn't help that I was terrified of both of them when they first made their appearance at school. It was hard not to be, after all the tall tales my mother told about the magical world around me. Maybe they weren't all stories used to scare me, but from what I've been shown my Tristin, dragons weren't nearly as bad as my mother made them out to be.

Trina's room seemed out of place inside the mansion. Although the mansion was on the more traditional side, Trina's room looked like it was from a royal palace. The room looked like it was designed for a princess to live inside. The room was enormous, themed in a salmon, watermelon looking pinks. Everything looked expensive, from the rug on the floor to the large chandelier in the center of the bedroom, glistening overhead. In one of the corners was Trina sitting at a large white vanity.

Even while sitting, I could see the delicate design of her thin pink robe. The tips of her robe were covered in fluffy pink fuzz; it stood out because it was a brighter pink color compared to the rest of the room and the robe. She had her hair pulled back with a thin purple headband, a thin layer of a green cream covered her entire face.

Trina didn't seem to expect someone to enter her room, huffing loudly before turning around, asking 'what,' once more. The word cut off when she saw it was her brother who entered her room and not someone who worked for her. She didn't even spare me anything more than an uninterested glance.

"What now?" Trian complained, looking back at her vanity, an array of items set out. The only item I knew upon sight was the circular bottles of nail polish in black and purple colors. "You've found your pet already, what more could you possibly want?" Trina snapped, standing from her cushioned seat fast, making the chair scratch against the floor roughly.

It was pretty clear that something had happened between the two of them when I wasn't around. It was more than apparent, as they both seemed tenser around each other than the last time I saw the two of them together.

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