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Laken P.O.V

The same old pattern seemed to take place for the next week or so. Nothing really changed between the previous week and now. I have noticed the female dragon watching me more often than before. I felt uncomfortable while being in her presence and at this point, whenever I entered a room that she was in, her eyes instantly found me.

I don't think she realizes how obvious her stares are at this point. It was so easy to tell that she was looking at me and I think other people are noticing too. When she's staring at me, she gets so focused that she tunes everyone else out. When she doesn't reply, they get concerned, confused, angry, and a little disappointed. They also figure out where, or in this case, who she is looking at. Me. I know it confuses them and that they don't like it.

I'm just waiting for one of their many followers to confront me and I can tell that the longer the female dragon looks at me, the more likely the predicted confrontation will happen sooner than later. I don't want to have one of them come up to me and begin to accuse me of doing something to their 'queen' when I've just recently learned that she is somewhat stalking me because of the fact that she thinks I'm connected with the siren. If only she'd figure out I was the siren. I don't know if she's amazed by the idea of sirens or utterly terrified. I couldn't figure it out based on the little argument between her and her brother in the library the other day.

I've found myself attempting to avoid the female dragon more than before, even more than the male as well. The male didn't seem to care much about me or my presence based on what he said in the library. Apparently, I'm not worth an ounce of his precious time. If that's what he thinks then he isn't worth my time either.

It was hard to avoid the girl. She seemed to figure out my schedule and she was using it to her advantage. Sadly for her, her popularity was kind of working against her at this point. She constantly had people following her and I think it agitates her to no extreme. I worked out in my favor though. I wouldn't complain about it if it got that crazy dragon away from me.

The worst out of all my classes was, of course, Algebra II because that was the class that I had both of the devils spawns in my class. Even if only one of them was the issue at the moment, the boy scared me as bad if not worse than his sister. His intimidating personality scared me to a point of no return. I don't know what it was that scared me the most. His glare or the dominance that racked off of him in flashes and waves. Sometimes I wanted to yell at him to tone it down. Then I mentally realized that would mean me actually talking to him and that was a no-go. It simply wasn't going to happen.

I was so glad that I wasn't currently in Algebra II. I was actually in Science at the moment, which wasn't much better. I had Trina in this class with me. She didn't bother me that much in this class since she seemed to care about this class in particular. I wasn't too big on Science myself, but that was just me. Others appeared to enjoy this class quite a bit but I couldn't find it in myself to enjoy the class. It wasn't the teacher or anything. I just didn't connect to the properties that made science, science. I found math a whole lot more interesting than Science. Math made sense. It always followed a pattern and those patterns made sense to me.

Today was weird though. I couldn't focus on science for the life of me. It felt like every time I tried to focus on actually learning that my focus would be diverted to another thing altogether. It was awful. My mind kept wandering to unimportant things that mattered little to nothing. I kept getting lost in the smallest things. Like the color of the walls being a blazing blue. Or how the third light to the left flickered every fifteen seconds annoying the girl who sat underneath it. That the teacher had a plate of donut sitting behind the largest stack of papers imaginiable; and that every minute she'd side glance the donuts to confirm they hadn't been stolen. I see you.

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