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Laken P.O.V

The next couple of days had been rather strange so I was so thankful for the weekend to finally come and join the party. After the day in the library and my little 'accident', I had been sure to keep my head down. A few people looked dazed afterward, all of them the ones who had been outside. I knew it was because they heard my voice. If I had been a shifted mermaid, the entire school could have fallen under my spell instead of just a small few that had been unluckily outside. The effects slowly wore off but after that, all of the supernatural students were walking around on what appeared to be eggshells, including the dragons. Between my free period and the next class I had, I had seen them go from perky and confident to looking around scared. I hated that that was the first reaction to me singing for less than a minute. I knew it was because they were afraid of falling underneath the spell themselves but I hated that that was the first reaction. Fear. 

I had been so happy to hop onto my bus and get away from the school for the weekend. Maybe by the time, we returned everything will have chilled a little bit. I didn't want my entire school to be walking on eggshells because of me, by the entire school I mean the supernatural portion of it. 

The bus ride had been relaxing, I have given me a moment of peace where I didn't have to act like I was hiding anything from anybody because on my bus, it was rather simple. Nobody cared anyway. No one on this bus gave a crap about me and I doubt that they ever will. I don't want them to care about me. I didn't know them and they didn't know me. They never made an attempt to get to know me. I haven't either but I always come off to others as being a shy little nerd that you shouldn't even bother hanging out with. I wouldn't want to hang out with someone if they didn't want to hang out with me. It was as simple as that. 

When I first joined the local school I had attempted to join some groups but they always felt tense and it made me feel like I was intruding on their lives, something they clearly didn't want. They hadn't wanted me to be their as sad as it was. Once my young self realized that I had back off instantly and they didn't seem to notice my disappearance, which shows how little I was to them. I had always been rather unimportant in the eyes of my school so it was no shocker that my bus agreed with that and decided to ignore me. 

I glanced out the window of the dusty old bus, smiling as we begin to cross over the huge bridge that multiple pictures have been taken on. I've seen some of the pictures that have been taken, of either sunsets or the waves changing color with help from the sun and the sky. I loved when we crossed the bridge on the way to my apartment building because I'd get to see the sea from such a beautiful angle, one of the true perks of this small old beach town. The sun seemed to splash against the water, lighting up the occasionally dull town with colors. It was as if pink, purple, yellow, and blue watercolors were flung into the sky. It was as if someone painted the sky, and it was breathtaking . . . or it was to me. I knew the girls in my school only liked the sunset for its too perfect background for selfies to post on whatever social media site that they were most popular on. I hated seeing girls take selfies during class as if the entire world actually cared that they were currently suffering because of school. I don't really think the world cared at all, and I personally think that people who wanted to take selfies solely to post online wanted it for the single digit likes that they get. 

My shoulders slump when we pass the bridge altogether and begin towards the worse part of the town. As much as I dissed it in my head, it actually wasn't that bad of a place to live. It was a close knitted community, or it was for those who went out and actually socialized. When I first started school, the family downstairs had a kid that was in my class at the time. The mother baked a batch of cookies and brought them upstairs to our apartment. Just to make a long story short, me and my mother had hid in the bathroom. Me on a small tablet that I had a long time ago.

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