| Twenty-two

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WHEN EMERY wakes up the next morning, her head is pounding insanely hard. She instantly falls back into the bed in tiredness. A part of her is also wondering how in the hell she got drunk.

She thinks really hard back to the night before, and only remembers drinking the water...

Welp, I guess that wasn't water.

She groans quietly. Not a lot comes back to her memory from last night. She remembers that weird guy, partly, and she remembers Harven helping her into bed.

She decides to never go to another party again, because somehow she always finds herself getting carried out unconscious. Emery doesn't think that's a good sign for the future.

Then, she hears a light knock on the door, which catches her attention. Harven's head peaks through, and he grins.

He pushes the open the door, but stands at the threshold. He has something in his hand.

She furrows her brows. "What are you doing?"

"Am I allowed to come in?" He asks, shuffling his feet.

"Hmm...," She looks around, "Sure." She shrugs. He enters, making his way towards the seat at her bedside, where he sits.

"I brought you a sandwich. Okay so I didn't have jelly, so I used strawberry jam. Except I didn't have strawberry jam so I made some." He hands her the ziplock bag. She laughs at his explanation.

She takes a bite, and gives him a thumbs up. He lets out a dramatic, relieved sigh. She rolls her eyes. Drama queen.

"Thanks for helping me last night." She looks over to him.

He shrugs. "That's what enemies do, right?" He lifts a brow. She gives him a look.

"Well, I'll be on my way. Just thought you'd be hungry." He starts to get up.

"Wait! Um-" Emery cringes at herself, "We could just, well, you know- watch TV. If you want." She shrugs it off.

His face grows suspicious, and his mouth forms into a light smirk. Harven turns around.

"Really?" He says slowly.

"Well, yes." She looks up.

His brows raise and he smiles as he makes his way back to his chair. He puts his feet up on the windowsill.

"Pick something entertaining." He gives her a knowing look.

"Hey! Everything I watch is entertaining." She huffs, furrowing her brows at him.

"Oh really?" He cocks his head, raising his brows.

"Fine, you pick something." She tosses the remote to him. He gladly takes it, scrolling on Netflix and deciding on a horror movie.

"Nope, nope. I don't want to watch that." She refrains from even looking at the cover of it.



They stare at each each other, frustrated. Emery climbs over her bed, and grabs the remote from him. She sits crisscrossed, looking for another choice.

"How about that?" Harven points to a documentary about art in foreign cultures, knowing she would like that.

"Oh, perfect." Emery clicks on it, covering back up with the duvet. She lets an arm out and throws Harven a small blanket from the end of her bed.

They gasp and marvel at the documentary together.


Later, when Harven's left and Emery remains in her bed, May comes over for a visit. Emery decides not to tell her about last night, since she might take part fault or worry.

May sits in Harven's chair, and Emery eyes it for a second.

"What's this?" She picks up the empty ziplock, finding it weird that Emery would leave trash in her room.

"Oh, Harven brought me a sandwich." She keeps her attention on the Tv.

"He brought you a sandwich?" May smirks surprisedly. Emery turns to her.

"Yeah, we just watched some TV this morning." Emery says.

"Oh, because that's normal."

"Well, he's proved I can trust him, so I'm just going with it." Emery smiles.

May nods.

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