"I love him," I whispered in her ear and hugging her tighter.

"I know, my love. I know."


"Knock knock!" I turned my head to my back and smiled when I saw dark hair peeking through the wooden door.

"Who's there?" I asked, still with a smile on my face. This time, I waited for him in our secret garden. He had asked me to meet him before tomorrow. Although I knew nothing would happen but, we could never be fully sure. So I cannot take anything for granted.

"Orange." He walked slowly to me with both of his arms behind him.

"Orange who?"

"Orange you glad to see me?" I rolled my eyes, laughing. I knew he was so so bad at jokes but yet it always makes me laughed like no other. I guess it was so nonsense and unfunny that the situation was funny.

"You're the worst!" I exclaimed.

"Liar liar pants on fire." He sang and walked behind me. It was almost a routine- him swinging me on the swing. It warmed my heart.

It was silence for some time. We were enjoying our time in silence. Comfortable in each other's presence. I didn't know what he was thinking but I didn't want to ask. But I was thinking about him. All the time. I wasn't sure if I sure told him and confess my love for him or stay silent till the end of time. I knew I said I wasn't going to confess my love for this golden boy, but I was slowly thinking about the future.

Thinking about how one day I will wake up in my bed and regret my decision of not telling him about my feeling. What if he felt the same but he was waiting for me to say it but I never say anything so he thought I didn't feel the same and he thought I was leading him on?

Overthinking. Evelyn White and overthinking. Not the best combo.

"What time are you leaving tomorrow?" I turned my head slightly to look at him in the eyes. It was green. Sometimes grey. Either way, I always felt calm. Beautiful.

"Seven, I think."

"That's early. What time are you coming back?" I asked again.

"Later in the evening. Why?" He walked around and squat in front of me. I looked down at him and saw he was starting to worry.

"No. Nothing. Just curious." I looked away because I knew he was worried about me worrying about him.

"I'll be fine, Evelyn." He tried to reassure me.

"Yeah, I know," I answered, looking around but him. I was conflicted about when I should tell him about my feelings? Do I tell him now or after he the mission? Or never? Was I even making sense about thinking that I should tell him?

"Hey, hey. Look at me," He grabbed my face with his palm and squeezed my cheeks with his big hands that automatically puckered my lips.

"I'll be fine. I'll come back to you. I promise." I stared into his eyes. I was speechless. The way he said he'll come back for me almost made me believe he loves me too. That he felt the same and that he too was confused about when he should tell me about his feeling.

I hold up my right pinky in front of him and he threw his head back, laughing. Almost falling down on his arse for laughing so hard.

"Stop laughing!" I jokingly slapped his biceps.

"Okay! Okay! We were having a full-on serious slash romantic moment and you had to come up with a pinky promise! It's funny but it's cute." He said, running his fingers through his hair that was messed up from laughing as he got possessed.

"Your knock-knock jokes are even worse than my pinky promise moment!" I argued.

"Now you're pushing it!" His jaw dropped at my comment.

"It's true. James can validate my point."

"Of course he can! He likes you more than me!" He scoffed.

"True. But you could even ask anyone from the palace. They'll validate my point and maybe even add some new points." This time, I was the one laughing. Enjoying my time, teasing him. He really thought he had the best knock-knock jokes.

"Ahhh!" I screamed when two arms tackled me as I fell down from the swing and fell into his arms.

"Take it back or I will do something bad!" His arms were around my waist tightly. My back on his chest and we were both on the ground.

"Bad? Like what? Not coming to the kitchen and ask about the menu? Or not ask me to cook your apple pie? Oh! Or not writing me letters and offering me fat fluffy cats?" I continued teasing him, laughing my arse off when I heard him groaning.

"This is so not fair!" He whined like a little kid, not letting go of my waist.

"Whatever! I'm never taking it back. Prince Harry Styles has the worst knock-knock jokes anyone has ever witnessed and I stand strong by my point."

I stopped laughing when he pushed me down on the ground and he came on top of me, cupping my face and kissed me. Hard. Like his life was depended on it. It took me a few seconds to respond but I moved my lips and my right hand instantly went to his neck.

During the kiss, I made up my mind.

I was going to confess my love for him tomorrow night.



i love you, you've made my day

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