"Get the fuck away from me!" He screamed out, shoving Fay back with both arms.

Fay felt the impact of the dining room table on his back, air being knocked out of his lungs at the force. Another plate fell to the floor, crashing loudly and hurting Fay's ears. Vivienne ran over to him, catching Fay in her arms and checking to see if he was alright.

The burning sensation of where his body hit the hard wooden surface was distracting. It took a moment for him to comprehend what had happened. Charlot often threw things or punched walls, but he never physically hurt anyone in the house.

Charlot's unrelenting blue eyes were wide as he tried to grasp his own actions. He couldn't believe what he had done. Yet, it didn't stop more anger from welling up in his chest. As much as he wanted to run away and cry, he also wanted to continue yelling and screaming.

"Char..." Fay said quietly once he had caught his breath again, standing straight in Vivienne's arms. He knew that there was going to be a nasty bruise on his back, but he didn't want to focus on that right then.

"Don't say anything!" Char quickly jumped in. "I don't want your pity or stupid words. You don't mean anything to me!" Then he took off running. The sound of his feet hitting the stairs told everyone where he was heading.

Fay stared at where his brother had just stood. It was so hard to control his own anger sometimes. Char had just pushed him into a table and told him that he didn't mean anything to him. Fay knew that there was no weight behind his words. He knew that Charlot didn't actually want to say those things. But he simply couldn't understand why he didn't take his meds.

Sometimes he just wanted to scream at Charlot and tell him how stupid he was being for ignoring his own mental illness. He wanted to express his anger at the way he was treating everyone he loved. But he didn't do any of that. He had to hold it in and wish from afar that Char would come to his senses.

"I'm so sorry, Fay." Maman sighed softly, walking around the table and checking him over. "I don't know what to do."

He shook his head, hugging her to show her that it wasn't her fault. Once he pulled back, he crouched down and began picking up shards of the plates that had been shattered. "It's alright."

Despite his words, Fay was clearly still worked up. His back ached and his mind was unclear. Before he knew it, he was gripping the glass too hard. A piercing pain made him realize just how worked up he really was.

"Lafayette." Maman crouched in front of him, hands planted on each side of his face. She looked directly into his eyes, shaking her head slightly. "Go blow off some steam. I'll worry about the glass."

He didn't want to leave the mess for her to clean up. It was one of those things that he felt like he had to help out with, but she was right. He wasn't in the proper mental state to be sat inside with a handful of glass. Maman lightly kissed his forehead before he stood up and dispensed of the glass into a trash can.

The front door shut rather loudly as he left the house. There was some blood coming from a small cut in the palm of his hand that he hadn't bothered cleaning up. Staying in that house any longer was just going to result in him losing his temper, which was something that rarely happened.

The air felt less suffocating outside, a sunset casting pink and purple highlights into the late sky. After having walked for a few moments, Fay stopped to watch it. It made him think of those nights spent by Papa's side, watching sunsets with French ice cream wedged in his other hand. Then suddenly, the image of him and Eden watching the sunset popped into his head.

He didn't know why it made him think of Eden. They had only watched it once, yet it overpowered all of those nights he had spent with his own Papa. Maybe it was because he had yet to make any negative memories with Eden. Sure, people compared the two, but he never experienced anything bad when he was actually with Eden. He couldn't say the same for his Papa.

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