"Come on Lil'lad. We haven't got all day." They all rose eyebrows at the obvious accent of the man as he closed the door while wearing his blazer. The other door opened and they heard a voice. "You worry to much. We still have a few minutes till classes start. And you forgot your tie." Edward tilted his head at the familiar voice. Only when the other person stepped out did he recognise the person. "From the bookshop." He muttered as he dismissed the glances from his siblings.

    The familiar fragrance of lavender and vanilla hit him but it somehow had a hint of peppermint.

    "What? Oh forget the bloody tie." Carter chuckled as he shook his head at his brother. "Calm down brother." He said as his brother was busy checking for his things in his bag. "If you can't tie the... bloody tie." He sneered the word just like David did. "Then just say so. No need to be fussy." David sighed as he turned to his brother with a smile. "Not like that'll help. You're stubborn." His smile vanished as he glared at his brother. "I'll make sure your life during my class is hell." Carter snorted. "If I'm in your class." He said smugly and David growled. "You found out." Carter smiled brightly at him as he and David left the car park.

    Edward swore when he saw Carter's bright smile. Though he was a bit disappointed that it wasn't directed towards him, he still felt his non-existent heart flutter at the sight of the boy's smile. "Edward?" He mumbled as he stared at the back of Carter.

    Feeling a pair of eye on him, Carter turned around and saw a familiar face. He smiled and nodded at Edward which caught the other off guard as he nodded back. Once Carter's back was facing him, Edward let out a sigh out of habit. Habits die hard. Once the brothers were hone he turned to meet the curious and questioning gaze of his siblings (and Bella). Edward chewed on his lower lip out of nervousness. Jasper felt his nervousness and let a wave of calm relax the other. Edward sent Jasper a look of appreciation. Jasper returned his look of appreciation with a smile. "That boy just now, he was the one I met at the bookshop." The mixed expressions of shock and happiness on their faces told Edward they figured it out. "He's my mate." Alice, despite the frustration of not being able to see her brother's mates in a vision, she still felt happy for them.

    Engulfing Edward and Jasper in a hug, Rosalie narrowed her eyes. "They're humans." Just hearing those two words changed everything. They were vampires and their mates were humans. They could be placed in harms ways because of them. Bella almost got in trouble with the Volturi when she discovered their identity. They were all in a state of panic when Alice received a vision of four agents of Volturi coming to their home to dispose of Bella, luckily he was there.

    "You won't reject them will you?" Bella's voice cut through the silence and the two turned to her. "We're a danger to them Bella. They might go through what you did." Rosalie said with a hiss as her eyes narrowed at the girl. She couldn't believe this girl was one of her siblings mate, and he isn't even here with them at Forks instead he's out the country. "I understand that but-" "No Bella." She turned to Edward and saw him with a frown. "I'm a danger to him. I can't put him through the same thing you did." Edward's tone held no argument and Bella looled at him in disbelief before turning to see how Jasper reacted. Jasper had a look of agreement with his brother and Bella couldn't help bit feel sympathy for the two boys. She understood the feeling since he was in a different country to ensure her safety. He moved into a different country for her safety. He didn't want to hurt her. He has no idea how hurt she is when he left. Him leaving her was more painful than rejecting her.

    "Don't worry Bella. You can be friends, we won't stop you." Bella lightly smiled at Alice and nodded. Rosalie rolled her eyes while Jasper and Edward grimaced. A wave of envy washed against them as they clenched their fists. Hearing the school bell ring, all headed towards the building. Bella was letting out a thick wave of worry and sympathy as she walked the halls that were filled with students.

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