" Ta-Taehyungie.."

" Just follow me baby," he whispered.

" I-I can't believe I did it," Jimin laughed but soon winched from the pain from his knees.

" O-ok we're going to go now...." Taehyung pulled Jungkook behind him as they walked back to the basement.

" Hold it," he points at Taekook.

" Ohhhh shit,"  Taehyung sighed.

Jungkook gripped on Taehyung's shoulder tighter and hid behind him.

" Oh isn't this interesting, now I have a gun and you're helpless. You feel such like an idiot huh? Wish you didn't beat me now," Jimin laughed.

Taehyung hold his hands up in front of him, "Jimin...."

" Sooooo, how do you want to do it Taehyung? Either I shoot you or I shoot your boyfriend. Take your pick," he smiled.

Jungkook whimpered and Taehyung gulped.

" Not so big and bad huh? Now that I have the power you can't beat me or even touch me."

" Jimin, you and all these people need to go to the hospital. Your knees are badly injured, Leedo is basically dying, Wooyoung is eh, and J-hope is bleeding out!"

" I don't give a flying fuck about them, J-hope can die for all I care! Now who should I kill, Jungkookie?The liar and the crybaby or Taehyung the one that replaced me with a hood rat and beat me multiple times? Decisions decisions...."

Taehyung looked at the bodies then he looked at Jungkook's scared eyes.

He sighed," Look Jimin, I'm not going to be sorry for beating the shit out of you."

Jungkook gasped, " T-Taehyungie what are you doing?"

" But I am sorry for not talking to you and not talking consideration of your feelings. I am truly sorry for that Jimin, but what you did was wrong. You shouldn't have manipulate people, or paid people to hurt us. Or even physically and mentally hurt people."

Jimin stopped smirking then he looked at Taehyung, " Y-you're so-sorry?"

"Look Jimin, when I heard J-hope saying he wanted to kill you I couldn't let that happen. Yea you did some messed up things but you don't deserve to die."

" Y-You're just saying that," he yelled while pointing at the two.

" I'm not! Just please! Don't hurt Jungkook!"

" What about you, you idiot!? Why do you always do that!? Risk your life for other people! It's so stupid!"

" I-"

" No! I'm ending it! Once and for all," Jimin clicked the gun.

Taehyung covered Jungkook with his body, then all of a sudden,someone shot a gun to Jimin's arm, he cried out of pain and dropped the gun.

Taehyung and Jungkook looked up and it was.....Jackson??

" Ayo bitches! Damn I had a good aim!"

" Jackson?!"

" Hey guys! Oh by a way the cops are here and let me tell you it's crazy."

" H-How," Taehyung asked.

Jungkook was too shock to talk.

" Ok so me and my boys went to find you guys but we couldn't find you. Then we hid in the bathroom, then we saw Beomgyu with blood. We asked him and Beomgyu told me what was happening and, I had to get here. Did you know that J-hope shot Mr. Steeds?My English teacher that failed me on that test!"

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