Chapter 23 - Alison's first night in her own room

Start from the beginning

"Let's not worry about it for now. Let us worry about when it gets to the end of the project and go from there, alright?" He said as he pulled her in for a hug. "Marinette nodded against his chest. Adrien then leaned down to peck her lips then said, "Goodnight. See you in the morning."
"Night, Chaton." She replied before letting go of Adrien, which she didn't want to do but knew she needed to sleep. She then walked into her room, leaving her door ajar a bit just in case Alison was required to get in.

"You feeling better now, Marinette?" Tikki asked her chosen one. "Yes, Tikki, I am, thank you," Marinette said, giving her Kwami a goodnight kiss. "See you in the morning Tikki." She said as she hopped into bed and was nearly asleep before her head touched the pillow. Back in Adrien's room, Adrien was lying in his bed and couldn't get to sleep with everything that happened tonight going through his head. "Plagg."

"Yea, Kid?"

"Did you know Marinette was Ladybug this whole time?" Adrien asked his Kwami. "Of course, I did. Just like Tikki knew you were Chat Noir this whole time." Came Plagg's reply. "How? May I ask."

"Because I could feel Tikki's Miraculous around Marinette just like Tikki could feel me whenever Marinette was close to you." Explained Plagg. "Now, Kid goes to sleep," Plagg added in. "Night, Plagg," Adrien said as he rolled onto his side and closed his eye to go to sleep.


Alison's Nightmare

"Mummy, Daddy, whewe awe you?"
"Alison." Alison heard Marinette and Adrien call out to her, but she could not see them. She continues to walk towards their voices. "I am hewe Mummy. I am hewe Daddy." Alison cried out. Then she sees the woman that had hit her around her face stand in front of her. "Alison, come to your real Mother." The voice said,

"No, go away." She shouts at the women. "You are an unselfish little girl. Come to your Mother Now!" The woman said.

"No, leawe me alone," Alison screams at the woman standing before her. Behind the woman, she sees Marinette and Adrien, her parents, so she tries to run to them, saying, "Hewe Mummy, hewe Daddy."

But every time she thought she was getting closer, they just got Father away from her. "No, Mummy, don't go." She shouts. "I will find you, you little brat." Alison heard the voice say. "I will be coming for you."




Marinette woke up when she heard screaming coming from across the hall from her. She knew then that Alison must have had another nightmare that had caused her to wake up screaming. Marinette got out of bed and rushed to her daughter's room across the hall. A few seconds later, Adrien came running into the room after being woken up from the screaming to find Marinette sitting on the edge of the bed, trying to stop Alison from screaming by waking her up.

Soon as Alison's eyes open, she flings herself into her Mothers arms, sobbing. "Shh, Shh, it is alright, Darling. It was just a dream." Marinette said. Adrien went over to turn the lights on before climbing on the bed on the other side of his daughter. "I am scawed, Mummy, Daddy," Alison said, still sobbing into her Mother's shoulders. "Scared of what, Princess?" Adrien asked as he stroked her hair from her face. "Her Daddy. Her." Before they could even ask who she was, Gabriel had walked into the room. "Is everything alright in here?" Gabriel asked the pair in his monotone voice.

"Ali just had a Nightmare Father," Adrien told her Father. "I am sorry, Mr Agreste, if she woke you up," Marinette said as she turned her head to look over her shoulder at Adrien's Father. "It is alright, Marinette," Gabriel said before giving them a belief nod, then he turned and strode out of the room. "How typical," Adrien said under his breath, but Marinette still heard it. "Adrien?" she asked. "Don't let her take me, Mummy." Alison cried. "Shh, Shh, it is all going to be alright, Darling," Marinette said as she rocked her distraught daughter.

It took another 15 minutes for Alison to calm down when she fell back asleep in her Mother's arm. Marinette then placed her back into bed and pulled the blanket up. "I think tomorrow we need to go and see Nana Sue again to find out more of Ali's past," Adrien said. "But what will we do with Ali while we go and talk to Nana Sue?" Marinette asked. "We could leave her with your parents for a few hours," Adrien said. "Or we could ask your Father to watch her tomorrow," Marinette suggested. "No, don't ask him. He will just say no anyway." Adrien said back. "How do you know that, Adrien?" She asked him.

"I just do okay. You saw the way he acted to Alison the other day after Dinner. He doesn't care about anything except his work."

"That can't be true, Adrien. He cares about you." Marinette told him. "Well, if he does, he has a funny way of showing it then. Ever since my Mum passed away, he buried himself in his work and has made me feel like I am nothing to him. All he does is sit in that office of his and design." Adrien said as he got off the bed and turned the lights off. "Come on, it is late. Let's sleep in here with her for the rest of the night," Adrien said. Marinette got under the covers beside Alison as Adrien turned the lights off, then hopped beside Marinette. "Adrien."

"Hmm." He replied. "I am worried about Ali and these dreams that she is having," Marinette said as she wrapped her arms around her daughter. "So am I, Mari, so am I. What I would like to know is who is she so afraid of. Adrien said, placing an arm around the girls. He then kissed Marinette, and they both went to sleep, not knowing that Gabriel was standing outside the room and heard everything they said. Gabriel poked his head into the room and saw them together, asleep. He then turned and strode down the hallway to his room for the night.

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