My Sweet Sanity

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"Yes daddy, I would love to be your good little slut for you "

March 20th , 2018
10 am


That seemed  like it was a bit too much.  However, Rihanna was still standing there, just as curious about what Nicki was going to receive sexually for her birthday, as if it was as simple as getting a new electronic device or an ice cream cake.  "So then, maybe you guys are just gonna have really, really intense kinky sex, like special birthday sex!"

Rihanna said softly like it was a secret and Nicki squinted at Rihanna playfully.  "Do you know something I don't know , Rih ?" Nicki teased with a chuckle and Rihanna shook her head, smiling; but there was a twinkle in her eye that made Nicki wonder if maybe she and Lauren did know something about her birthday that she didn't.  "Nah hoe." Rih answered simply, casting her eyes away with a small smile as she look at the sound board, listening to beats and going off to write some lyrics to whatever song she was thinking bout.

Nicki turned around to the mirror, shaking her head knowingly, smiling as she bent down to place her water bottle on the floor.  However as soon as she bent, a heavy shock of pleasure raced through her system, causing her to stumble. Reaching out against the wooden stand Nicki straightened up, confused by the sudden jolt of arousal that seemed to stem directly from her center.  Of course her pretty little plug was still snug inside of her ass, reminding her of it's constant presence...and while all day that had been the root of her arousal, this was a different type of desire that passed through her veins. 

This desire was quick, almost barely there, tickling against the wet folds of her pussy sweetly in a way that made her tilt her head to the side in confusion."Nic, I put together some beats that I think we should try working on today. Young money stuff like what your new album gonna be like." Rihanna called from the end of the room, and Nicki glanced at her in the mirror, watching the way she spun in circles in the chair, while Nicki tried to figure out where the mysterious tickle in her nether regions was coming from. 

It had increased in speed now, flicking against her outer lips like a feather, coaxing out the wetness that had already been flowing from the stimulation of her ass onto her panties, quickly causing the material to become wet. Nicki squirmed against her underwear at the feeling, the lacy material rubbing against her sex deliciously and adding more to what was already pulsing with the need to be touched from the strange feelings being stimulated beneath her panties. 

Nicki wondered if she was imagining the feeling...if the way her body was erupting from the inside out was only because her brain was conjuring up the pleasure in response to way the plug had been making her teeter on the edge all day. She wondered if it was some sort of symptom of being hung high and dry, hallucinating your own release. 

But then the feeling intensified, and Nicki  jerked forward at the sudden change of power, gasping at the pressure that she suddenly felt against her clit. The pulsation seemed as if it was directly against her nub...teasing the little bud from it's hood and heightening the feelings inside of her body.  Rih squinted behind her; confused at the way she was holding onto the stand with both hands, bracing herself.

Looking into the mirror, she could see  Nicki's eyes darting around, her breathing becoming heavier as she rocked side to side on the balls of her feet."Nic girllll? Are you okay?" Rih  asked, stepping forward cautiously. Nicki's eyes darted upward, locking gazes with Normani. However as soon as she opened her mouth to answer, the pressure against her clit became heavier, the feeling now a strong vibration, rocking into her harshly.  "Oh!" Nicki squeaked out, a high-pitched intake of breath, and she almost bowed over at the feeling. 

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