They stopped the cheering.

"Come here, hun" , her mom heavily said.

She hugged Alyqa. Then, came her father.

"I did this for us, Mom. I did this for us, Dad", she cried on her mother's chest.

"I'm scared", she sobbed loudly.

Her parents were worried.

"Hey, Aly, you don't have to force yourself to do this, you know? We can always try other ways. We'll try," her mom spoke as her mom turned to her father's face.

He was upset too.

"No, Mom, I made a promise to Mr Klaus. I will not turn back on what I said", Alyqa held her mom's wrist.

Her tears slowly flowing down her face.

They stayed at that position for a good 30 mins on the floor of the small hall.

Reminiscing on the past and the laughters they shared as a family.

"Hey mom,dad. Mr Klaus told me not to go work which was why I did not wake up early today", Alyqa voiced.

"He told me, to tell you, to prepare by 11am. He would send a car to pick us up to his place ", Alyqa continued.

"Alright, dear", her mom stood up first then along with Alyqa and her father.

"Come on, let's do this!" her father puts his right hand out.

Her mom, put on top of his.

Alyqa put above her mom's.

"Aly, be brave! You can do this, dear!" her father cheered her up with a wide smile.

"One, two, THREE!" her father optimistically spoke.

Their hands went up to the sky as a cheer of encouragement.

"Now, let's get ready! Try to find something formal please, and WHITE too!" her mom said with a smile on her face.

Alyqa wondered through her messy closet, full of casual wear and jeans.

"Not this one!"

"Nope! Not this either"

"Yess! Finally, a backless WHITE dress that stops above the knees!" she exclaimed.

"I'm gonna pair it with the black heels, closed-toed, and choose a sharp design for the toe areas. I bought a year ago! Yes, a good match! I'm gonna bring a small black bag too", she motivated herself.

"My hair? Alright, I'm gonna let go the back of my hair and tie a half up-do!" she added.

"Wear some gold dangling earrings. A touch of make-up ESPECIALLY AROUND THE EYES and apply red lipstick to give that chic look", she thought to herself.

Half an hour passed and she started to shower and got ready.

Alyqa went to the hall and saw her parents.

Secret Passion (Part I: LUX)Where stories live. Discover now