
He was curled up under the blankets of his bed when it was all over.

His back stung from all the whippings of the belt he got, his bum hurt from the thing his father just did to him, his head hurt from all the crying he's done today. Everything just hurt. And he had no idea what to do.

Does he tell someone? No that could cause stupid stuff.

Does he call the police? They wouldn't believe him.

Should he run away again? No way. He'll just get punished like that again if he came back. But he wouldn't come back.

He was completely lost. He didn't know what to do, what to think, where to hide. He wanted to be with Mr. Styles, all snuggled up with him but sadly, he couldn't leave. Steve was out in the living room watching tv; he would be able to hear Louis if he sneaked out the door.

He felt more endless tears stream down his cheeks and drip onto the sheet of his bed until he heard his door open. He started to immediately shake, hoping it wasn't Steve but a light, gentle voice filled the silence instead of Steve's evil, harsh one.

"Lou? It's me, Lottie.." He heard the door close but he didn't move. He didn't want to do anything.

"Lou, please..? You can trust me." He felt her sit on the edge of the bed. He slowly lifted the blankets off himself and shifted to his other side so he was facing her.

"What do you want..?" You could hardly hear his voice due to the fact that it was quiet and he was starting to lose it. Lottie's breath hitched at the sight; puffy eyes with bags under them, not to mention he looked so tired, he looked a little pale but pain was clearly shown. And that's when she realized that he is in physical and emotional pain. She let out a small sob because he could've been like that for so long.

"I'm so sorry, Lou.." She whispered, sniffling.

"You heard..?"

"I saw.."

A horrified look crossed Louis' face as he started to freak out, but Lottie laid down and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close and hugging him tight.

"I needed pictures and videos, Lou." She whispered in his ear, just in case no one could hear. "I'm going to turn him in when I have enough evidence."

Louis buried his face in her chest, bursting into tears because he was so hurt and he was in so much pain and he was just so scared. He wanted to fade away forever because he couldn't deal with all of this anymore.

"No! No! You can't!" Louis said a little too loudly. Lottie shushed him while starting to lightly rub his back, being cautious of the cuts from the whip.

"I can and I will, Louis. What he's doing is bad."

Louis shook his head. He didn't know that he was being abused. He didn't know that he was taken advantage of. He didn't didn't know that those two were illegal. He thought they were just punishments.

"He's just punishing me, Lottie.. It's okay.."

Lottie felt tears form in her eyes because Louis, sweet, innocent, little cutie Louis thought all of this was okay. He thought that getting hurt by your parent was an okay thing.

"Louis. I need to get you out of here. Is there a friends house where you can go?"

Louis shook his head. He didn't know where Zayn and Eleanor lived and he definitely did not wanna stay with Niall.

"Where did you go last night?" Lottie furrowed her eyebrows. A shade of redish-pink painted across Louis' cheeks as he mumbled his teachers name.

"Who? Speak up, Lou."

Something Special ➣ Larry StylinsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang