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My head hurts. Fuck, what happened? I couldn't open my eyes, because I was too sleepy so I tried to search for my pillow. As I moved my hands I noticed something warm cupping them. I scanned it and determined someones hands. Hands? Whose? Who is holding my hands? Mom?  Dad?

"Aaaaahh"!" All of a sudden the headache got worse. I remembered an accident. Mom? Dad? Was it a dream? I opened my eyes to see whose hands are cupping mine. It wasn't Dad's or Mom's. I slowly found my way back to reality and tears filled my eyes. Why?

Who is the person next to me? And why am I lying in a hospital room? I really tried hard to remember something or someone.... A black haired man with broad shoulders? Who could it be? I have no friends for about 3 years so wh- Jooheon! It's Jooheon. But why is he holding my hand and what the fuck happened?

As I tried to get up my head aches again and I accidentally woke up the man next to me. He lifted his head from my bed and looked at me with a worried expression. He cupped my face and looked at me. He said something. It must be a question because his face told me he's waiting for an answer.

I shaked my head and pointed to my ear. He understood and left the room. Did I do something wrong? Why did he leave? Suddenly it felt so cold around me and I was about to cry. I really don't want to be alone. I need someone next to me. All of this - I can't handle it on my own.

A few minutes later Jooheon entered the room with a notepad and a pen to see me cry. He ran to me, his face in fear. He looked into my eyes, lifted his eyebrows and pouted a bit. He wiped away my tears and caressed my cheek for a while "T-thank you for staying with me, Honey." I said but wasn't sure he understood what I said.

He gave me a cute little smile and showed his dimples before he focused the notepad and pen again. He wrote something on it and I tried to read it upside down but my headache did not allow me to so I patiently waited for him to finish.

"How are you? Why did you cry? Do you need something?"


"I'm fine, I just have a little headache. I felt lonely as you left the room. Thank you so much for coming back."


"Don't worry, I won't leave you again. You take some medicine right? Please tell me the name and dosis. The doctor needs to know."


"SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) 1 - 0 - 0 and some Vitamins"


"That's all? Why didn't you tell me about this? I was so worried. :("


"I'm sorry, Jooheon. I forgot to take my medicine because it was way too much fun with you. But I can't remember what exactly happened."


"You had a panic attack. Damn, Kyunnie I was so worried. You know what? From now on I'm going to be your reminder for your medicine, ok? :)"


"How did I deserve such a great friend like you?"


"You deserve the whole world, little wolf. I need to search for the doctor to tell him about your medication but it won't take me long so please don't cry, ok? But before I go I want to ask you something important."


"Ok, I'll try my best :( What is it?"


"May I cuddle you? You managed the panic attack well.  I am incredibly proud of you so I really would like to cuddle you."

I nodded and showed him my brightest smile. He cuddled me for a few minutes and stroked my back until he get up, tousled through my hair with a smile and left the room with the notepad in his hands.

After 15 minutes the door to my room opened and Jooheon entered again, this time with some water and two apples. He handed me an apple and opened a bottle of water for me to drink. I was so thankful for all of it. We both started eating our apples. Honey used his free hand to caress my hand again.

His dimples showed again, this time deeper. He held his hand up, pointed at himself and then at me and stroked my hand again. I suppose what he's trying to tell is that he's always there for me. I am so lucky. What would I do without him? I showed him my brightest smile and held his hand to let him know how thankful I am. After we finished our apples Jooheon started writing on his notepad again.


I watched him while eating. His eyes got heavier and he almost fell asleep multiple times but somehow managed to stay awake to eat his apple. As he finished his apple as well I wrote a message.

"You should rest now. Yesterday was a hard day for you. I promise I won't leave you, ok? 🐝"


"Ok I'm really tired, thank you so much. 🐺"

He smiled at me, made himself comfortable in his bed and closed his eyes. I still caressed his back a bit so he can calm down. As he fell asleep I noticed how tired I am so I took his hand, put my head next to it on his bed and tried to sleep for a while as well.

I was about to fall asleep when I heard the door behind me so I lifted my head up to see a good-looking doctor. "Are you his boyfriend? I need to talk to someone but Mr. Im has no family registered here so can I talk to you instead?"



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