After Alannah eats her lunch I wipe away the cream cheese which sits around her mouth. I giggle and she points to her lips I know shes hinting that she wants lip balm.

I grab some lip balm out my purse and apply it on her laugh. I help her down from her seat and she skips into the living room. I clean up the crumbs quickly and follow her.

I was sat on the sofa when Alannah was pretending to take my blood pressure when my phone pings. I reach over and pick my phone up.

Jake- on my lunch break. Just thought I'd ask how you are?

I smile and then text back with one arm whilst Alannah was still taking my blood pressure.

Lara- yeah I'm good, how's work you busy?

I didn't expect him to text me back straight away but he does.

Jake- I'm always busy lol. It's not too bad here today. Although I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date on one if my days off next week?

I can feel my heart beat rapidly as I text him back. A date????

Lara-hmm I'll have to see. Joking text me when your free and I'll see what I can do

Jake- I'll look at my schedule and get back to you

I smiled and then put my phone down. "You have to have injections." Slurring the end of 'jections' which makes me giggle.

When it gets to 3:15 I got bored so decided to head to the Miller's household. I grab my bag and Alannah's beaker before heading out the door. I lock the front door and then pick Alannah up and head to my car. I walk over to the passenger side and strap her in her car seat. I headed back round to driver side. I get in and then connect my phone to the aux. I put on some music which we sing all the way to the Miller's.

Once we get there I help Alannah out of the passenger seat and she runs over to Nicole and david who are standing by their door. I grab my bag and then press the clicker on my keys to lock the car whilst walking to Nicole and David.

"Hi." I say and hug them.

We go into the living room and Alannah goes over to a tub in the corner of the room containing some of her toys. She grabs out a colouring book and some pencils. She puts it on their coffee table and then starts fo colour.

"How have you been?" Nicole asks handing me a bottle of water.

"I've been good." I say smiling whilst getting Alannah's beaker out of my bag and putting it in front of Alannah on the coffee table.

"What about you narna?" Nicole asks.

"Goodie good." Alannah causing us to laugh.

When it was dinner time we go into the dining room and sit around the table.

"So Alannah tells me you have a boyfriend." Nicole says and which causes me to choke on a but of chicken.  I quickly drink some water and take a deep breath.

"I don't have a boyfriend." I say then look down at Alannah. What is she on about?

"Yeah the one with the flowers?" She says and I sigh.

"On friday I had flowers delivered to my house for keeping Jake company at the party on Thursday." I say and Nicole smiles.

"I think you should start dating sweetheart, especially while James is away. You know what he's like." She says which makes me smile. She's sweet and is always looking out for me.

"When is Jake coming home?" I ask and Nicole smiles.

"We're flying him home on the 25th for Thanksgiving and he'll stay the whole weekend then." David says and I smile.

"Yes." Alannah squeals from beside me.

"We were actually wondering if you guys would stay for them 5 days with us." Nicole says and I smile.

"Mommy please can we?" Alannah says and I nod.

"Sure thing." I say earning a smile off of David and Nicole and then a squeal from Alannah.

After dinner I help Nicole wash up the dishes before joining Alannah and David in the living room.

"What are your guys plans for Halloween." Nicole asks as I sit on the sofa. Alannah was lying on the floor colouring. Then david was watching the news on the tv.

"Um I don't know yet. I'm taking Alannah shopping for a Halloween costume this week." I say and they nod and smile.

"You guys should come here like you always do. You should knock on a few doors then stay the night." David says and I smile.

"Okay" I say and smile.

It gets to about 7pm and Alannah had fallen fast to sleep beside David.

"I should probably get her home." I say and they nod.

"She hasn't had a nap today so that is probably why she's asleep." I say and they smile.

I walk over to the door and grab my bag and Alannah's beaker. I put my shoes on and then David hands a very much asleep Alannah to me.

"Thank you." I say smiling softly.

"See you soon sweetheart." David says and kisses my forehead.

Nicole pulls me into a side hug and I say goodbye before walking to my car. I open the passenger door and then gently put Alannah into her car seat. I strap her in then wave to David and Nicole as I walk round to my seat. I put my seatbelt on then head home.

We get home and I walk up to the front door and unlock it. I walk back to the car and pick Alannah up. I take her up to her room. I take her out of her clothes and put her in her pyjamas. I then tuck her in and kiss her forehead I put on her night light then head downstairs.

I get downstairs and I put away Alannah's toys. I look around the room before pulling my laptop out.  I then do some more research till it gets to a 11pm. I go up to my room and then get into my pyjamas. I take my makeup off before washing my face and brushing my teeth.

I was just lying in bed staring at the ceiling for what felt like forever.

I heard faint cries and as quick as I sat up my door opened. Alannah was stood there cuddling a teddy and I take a deep breath and open my arms. She closes the door and runs over to my bed. I help her up and then lie her down on the right side of my bed. I turn on my side and tuck a lose strand behind her ear.

"What's up bubba?" I ask wiping a tear that fell from her eye.

"Bad dream." She mutters and I sigh before kissing her cheek. She cuddles my arm tightly.

"I love you narna." I say which causes her to smile.

"I love you too." She says and falls back to sleep. Not long after Alannah fell asleep I fell to sleep too.

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