Ch. 32: the history books

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Elaine used the floo to go to the Burrow that next day, not wanting to bother Fred and George. She left them a note, so they didn't go insane, and then left.

    When she stepped from the fireplace, bruising off ashes while she tried not to puke, the area was quiet.

    "Hello?" She called through the house, trying to find any sign of life. She knew Ginny and Harry would be back at work, but Molly was always home during the day, unless she was going for groceries or other shopping.

    "Elaine? Is that you?" Molly came round the corner and smiled when she saw the girl, looking very happy indeed. "Did you use the floo, dear?"

    Molly frowned at the mess on Elaine's sweater, the one she had got for Christmas, and dusted her off before hugging her gently.

    "Yea, the boys were at work, and I didn't want them to fuss," Elaine told her, sitting at the table. Molly sat across from her, using a wand to summon some tea.

    "I'm sure they wouldn't have minded, but I'm glad you're here nonetheless. How are you doing?"

    "Im okay right now. My arm hurts some, because the wounds opened up last night, but other than that I'm okay." Elaine smiled at the concern on the woman's face, but was glad she wasn't being babied.

    "Why haven't the boys just fixed that? Sometimes I think they only have one brain between the two of them. Let me see your arm," Molly told her. Elaine laughed a bit as she pulled up her sleeve and pulled off the bandages.

    "It's not pretty, I know," Elaine commented, seeing Molly's frown.

    "Oh, no, dear. I've seen worse... I just don't like the idea of how it got there."

    "Me neither..."

    They were silent as Molly quickly healed the wounds, a small tingling feeling spreading throughout Elaine's forearm.

    "Thank you."

    "No need to thank me. Those two should have fixed it yesterday. What would you like to do today, dear?" Molly stood, and Elaine did the same, following her to the living room where she began to pick up some knitting stuff and put them away in a basket.

    "If you haven't got anything planned, I was thinking we could look up my mother?"

    "Why your mother, dear?" Molly looked to her, smiling, but confused.

    "Well when we had the run in with MACUSA, my mother came up. They seemed to know her, so i kinda just assumed this mess had something to do with her, honestly."

    "Who's your mother?" Molly asked, sitting. She once again summoned some tea, and Elaine had a drink before answering.

    "Natalie Harper-Ashryver. Ring any bells?" Elaine asked, curious.

    "Harper, you said?" Molly seemed to pale, which only increased Elaine's curiosity.

    "Yea. My grandparents died before I was born, but their names were Kennedy and-"

    "Kennedy and Lucy Harper?" Molly interrupted, staring at Elaine as if she was joking.

    "Um, yea. Did you know them?" Elaine was a bit excited now, because the wheels behind Molly's eyes seemed to be turning faster.

    "Yea, I did... I was young, and now that I think about it, you look just like your grandmother!" Molly placed a hand over her heart, clearly shocked. "Here, dear, I've a picture, somewhere..."

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