Ch. 31: returning home

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George and Elaine fell to the ground in front of the Burrow, and it was pretty late at night. The Burrow, however, had most of its lights on, and there was chatter coming from the open windows.

    Elaine grabbed George's hand when they stood, looking at the house.

    "What's wrong?" he asked, looking down at her.

    "I honestly didn't think I'd see it again. They would have either killed me or taken my memories away..."

    "Come on, then, love. Let's go say hello." George pulled her along for a second before her legs began to work, though slowly. They knocked on the door, and waited for a bit before it swung open.

    "You're home!" Molly said, hugging Elaine and George and dropping whatever she held in her hands. From over the woman's shoulder Elaine saw Fred, Ginny, and Harry talking grimly in the living room, but then they turned to see who had come this late.

    "ELAINE!" There was a chorus of yelling and the three young adults nearly pushed Molly out of the way to get to the small girl. Soon she was being suffocated, and she just stood there, a bit panicked.

    "Okay, off! Get off, guys," George said, pushing them back. He pulled Elaine close to him with an arm around her shoulder and gave the three looks. "She just got out of the hospital-"

    "Why was Elaine in the hospital?" Arthur asked, walking into the room.

    "Are you hurt?" Molly asked, looking her over.

    "It's a long story," Elaine told them. "Can I sit, though?"

    "Yes, come on, love." George walked her over to the couches and they sat down, Elaine almost falling on top of him. He held her up, smiling a bit. The rest of the family piled in, and it seemed the other five had gone back to where they lived.

    It was silent, and they all stared at the two, awaiting an explanation.

    "So, basically," Elaine started, sighing. "I was kinda taken for a while, and George had to come and save me."

    "What do you mean, taken?" Arthur asked, worried.

    "She was kidnapped," George said slowly, watching his mother. "I had to call Fred t-"

    "YOU KNEW?!" Molly asked her son, looking at him. "That's why you brought the phone, isn't it?"

    "Um, yea. We didn't want you to worry, mum," Fred explained. Elaine closed her eyes, a headache forming around her eyes. "I think we should all stay calm, and be happy she's okay, though."

    "Yea, no more yelling," George added as he looked beside him. "She just got out of the hospital. She's had a rough 24 hours..."

    "Who took her?" Harry asked, looking up at them from the floor, per usual.

    "Yea, what did they want with her?" Ginny added, nodding.

    "They were wanting information on you guys, to attempt to get you out of their way for their new planned revolution," Elaine said, her eyes remaining closed. "Aleksandra was one of them, and the other I don't know his name."

    "I think it was Rolf," George told his father. Arthur nodding, waving his hand to George for more details. "Well they grabbed her and once I found her it took a bit to get out of there, but um..."

    "Just tell them, George," Elaine sighed, leaning into him. She didn't think her body was ever this sore and tired before these past few days, honestly.

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