Chapter Two

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Have fun reading :)

- Charm


     Somewhere in Sydney, Australia was dreary, rundown and depressing, a fitting place for Daniel to start his life with his new bride. According to Bureau, Sydney had become quite a hot spot for criminal activity. Maybe it was it's proximity to Melbourne and Brisbane, maybe it was the cheap housing market, maybe it was the residents desolation at their lives or maybe it was the fact it was a shit-hole but the southern Australia had become a hub of drugs, petty violence and gang activity. In the big scheme of things the city had a low crime rate but it had been rising in recent years and the good people of the city were crying out for help. The house was a 1960's ranch tucked into a family friendly neighbourhood just on the outskirts of Sydney, Australia. Daniel had no idea exactly how the Bureau obtained the property or how long they had it but it was his now, sort of. He walked around the moving truck and scanned the area quickly. He noticed the house was pretty open, trees had been removed and it provided better visual of the whole property. The back of the house butted up to a wooded hill. Daniel walked into the living room, his eyes scanning the personal aspects of his "new" life. The furniture was new but cheap, the type of stuff a young couple starting out would own. It was a stark contrast to the expensive furniture of his loft. He walked over to a buffet against a far wall and picked up a framed picture of their wedding. Daniel was beaming down at Nadine as she held her bouquet to her nose. He knew there were some talented fucking people working at the Bureau but these pictures was amazing, no way anybody could tell they were photo shopped images. Daniel picked up another picture of him and Nadine, his arm draped around her shoulders as they stood in front of the Grand Canyon. Beside that was him, Tristan and Nadine, dressed in caps and gowns, graduating from Sydney State.

"They are stunning aren't they?" Daniel heard the voice behind him.

"Yeah I guess" Daniel put the picture back to the shelf and turned to look at his "wife''.

He had to admit he was not ready for what he saw. Nadine was dressed in skinny jeans, an SSU sweatshirt and sneakers. She had her light brown hair in a ponytail and pink visor sat on her head. She looked nothing like the uptight Nadine Snow he worked with but then again this wasn't Nadine Snow, it was Nadine Monticello, his young bride. She was holding a box of her personal items, marked bedroom in thick black marker. She began to juggle the box from side to side, it was clearly getting heavy.

"Take the Master" he said as he walked by her.

She raised an eyebrow at him, she had expected a fight he could tell, after all the master had a king sized bed in it and Daniel was much bigger and taller than she was. Daniel wasn't sure why he had just given up the room but it had felt like something he should do. Nadine didn't argue with him, she just stared in his direction as he continued his assessment of their new home.


     Later that evening they were sitting at the kitchen table in relative silence. Daniel was picking at Nadine's attempt at dinner. To be honest it was kind of awful but really what had he expected.

"You might want to take a few cooking lessons" he said looking up at her.

She was sitting across from him, cross legged on the chair. Papers were spread out on the table around her and she was jotting notes at a fevered pace. There mission was to take down  Anthony Mancini, son and heir to the Mancini Family and she was fully immersed in her research on him. He held up a forkful of soggy green beans to prove his point to her raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not here to cook dinner Agent Callisto" she said in an even tone but he could tell he had hit a note with her. She didn't look up from her work but continued to sift through the papers.

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