Shot 4

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I was sitting in the college canteen. My mind reeling yesterday's events. Heck it was supposed to be an easy way out. Tell them all we do is fight and boom cancel off the wedding but boom here we are our fight confused to be a lovey dovey bonding act. And i am still to hear from Randhir who is probably planning my murder. Man!! What should i do???? I was deep in my thoughts planning and scheming when a person jerked me out of my trance. I looked up to see who it was and well there he was...

Parth Kashyap.

My best friend. My crush. My love.

We have been together since school and he was always by my side through thick and thin. Never judged me when things got wrong and had always supported me. My first friend after i shifted back to my parents house and the only one who understands me fully. I smile brightly at him cause he was the only sunshine for me cause if not him i am surrounded by dark clouds.

Parth : What's going on in that pretty little head of yours???

Sanyukta : Nothing. Just class related stuff. You tell me how are you doing??

Parth : I am good but Sanyu you need to chill a bit. It's been days since we have properly talked or even hung out. Don't tell me you found a new bestfriend!?

Sanyukta : Nothing like that it's just something at home and all. Nothing else.

Parth : Hmm... okay if you want to talk about it know that I am always there.

Sanyukta (smiles) : I know.

Parth was about to say something when Sanyukta's phone buzzed with Randhir's number. She gave an annoyed look but sighed knowing she had to pick this up. With a sorry look towards Parth she picked up the call only to hear a stern voice saying "In the college's supply room now" and then the line went blank.

Sanyukta : Uhh... Parth I have to go now i will meet you later after college okay???

Parth : What happened??? Everything okay??? Whose call it was???

Sanyukta : Uhh.. it was nothing just a prank call... but i remembered something and i have to go. Don't worry i will meet you later on.

Parth : Okay then. Bye.

I rushed to the supply room but before I could open the door it opened itself and a hand pulled her in. I stumbled forward loosing my balance and falling down with the person beneath me. I opened my eyes to look at Randhir as the person. He was looking at me with a frown on his face and i was too shocked to move. My eyes met his and boy i have never seen such mesmerizing eyes. The brown hue of his eyes was something one can get lost into. Uhhh.. wait what am i thinking. Realising my mistake i said the first thing that cameto my mind.

Sanyukta : What the hell??

Randhir who was beneath me glared at me. Seriously he has no other look for me. He flipped our position making him come on top.

Randhir : Exactly!! What the hell Sanyukta?? What did you do yesterday??? You went to my house and made it look like we are a lovey dovey couple or something!! Are you really sad about us marrying or is it that otherwise and you are faking it in front of me.

Sanyukta : Are you nuts??

Randhir : Yes i am cause you are making me. Tell me Sanyukta what are you planning??

Sanyukta : God! I did nothing!!! How was i suppose to know that your parents have an honeymoon memory about this whole food fight thing and because of this i have to hear  all that from your dad. Do you know how embarrassing was that??

Randhir : What!?? Uhh don't tell me about that.

Sanyukta : will you please get off me you are too heavy.

Randhir realising there position got off and looked at her.

Randhir : You are saying as if you are light weighted. God my back aches from that fall.

Sanyukta : Don't annoy meand try to start a fight now. Better to discuss what to do ahead.

Randhir : Yeah.

Sanyukta : Hmm... i wish you had some girlfriend so we could have presented her and then we could have told you can't marry anyone else than her and i would do the drama of how a lovely pair shouldn't be broken and how i can't be a home wrecker.

Randhir : We can hire someone and act this out too.

Sanyukta : Nope...i know our parents they are too smart. They will know if we act cause i have a inkling that even yesterday's plan was somehow rigged by them cause they had a hint that we could have tried something like this.

Randhir : Hmm... you are right. I wish she was my girlfriend.

Sanyukta : Hmm... wait what you like someone??? Tell me about her maybe you can propose her and then boom we are safe. You get a girlfriend and i get rid of you.

Randhir : Its.. its no one.

Sanyukta : Come on tell me i promise i will help you in proposing her.

Randhir : You will??

Sanyukta: Yes promise. Anything to stop this marriage.

Randhir : It's Vidushi.

Sanyukta : Your best friend. Right??

Randhir : Yes.

Sanyukta : She is a sweet girl. Though she hates me because of you probably but she is a sweet person. I know that. Okay lets plan out a propsal for her. And then voila we will be free.

Randhir : Okay then lets do it. As i always wanted to confess to her.

Sanyukta : Great!



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