Shot 10

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A month has passed by and things have changed significantly between Randhir and Sanyukta. Like earlier whenever they camein front of each other they didn't fight anymore but now all they did was avoid each other but that didn't stop them from keeping a tap on each other. And with Parth and Vidushi dating each other it had many times happened that they have to sit together making them a group of four.

During this past month one thing that has happened the most was Randhir and Sanyukta thinking about each other to know what there hearts exactly want.

Today, after a long time Shekhawat's and Agarwal's have met again for the dinner at the farm house and there parents plan to make the arranged marriage thing concrete
between both the families.

Anju : I think we should fulfil dad's last wish now and start preparing for the marriage of our kids.

Renuka : Yes this is what was decided by our families long back and now its time that we should fulfil there wishes.

Harsh : But i think we shhould let the kids talk once we shouldn't force them into it if they are not happy. Cause an unhappy marriage would lead them no where.

Kishore : I agree. Kids you both will have a final say in this. I know earlier we were literally forcing you both into this but now we think its better we go ahead with this only if you both agree.

Harsh : So Randhir.. Sanyukta what do you say??

Randhir and Sanyukta looked at each other and as soon as there gazes met they averted there eyes.

Renuka : Randhir??

Randhir : Uhhm... i... i want to talk to Sanyukta for few minutes alone... can... can i??

Anju : Sure... Sanyu go with him and have a talk.

Randhir and Sanyukta walked towards the garden with silence surrounding them. Sanyukta was the one to first break it.

Sanyukta : So you wanted to talk?

Randhir : Uhh... i... i know you l.. like Parth so if you want i can just go in and tell them a no. I m..mean i understand if you don't want to go ahead with the proposal

Sanyukta : Do you still luke Vidushi??

Randhir : No. I realised it was just infatuation.

Sanyukta : I realised the same. I realised it was infatuation too for Parth cause it doesn't even hurt me a bit that they are together and i can't have him.

Randhir : Hmm... so??

Sanyukta : You tell me!

Randhir : Do you think... do you think that we should...we should go a...ahead with this pr.. proposal???

Sanyukta : You are fumbling.

Randhir : I know... cause i am scared.

Sanyukta : Of what??

Randhir : Of you saying a no.

Sanyukta (smiled) : Don't worry cause i am saying a yes!

Randhir : A yes... like a yes to this proposal of you agreeing to marry me?? Of you being my wife.

Sanyukta (grins) : Yes.

Randhir jumped shouting a yes and quickly kissed her cheeks and ran inside the house to announce this to his parents while Sanyukta stood there with her eyes widened and a blush on her face to realise what has happened.

Sanyukta slowly walked inside the hpuse to see everyone's happy faces and Randhir grinning among them. Renuka and Anju came and hugged Sanyukta whereas Harsh and Kishore blessed her. Then they started talking about the preparations for the marriage whereas Randhir came with a sheepish smile and stood beside her.

Randhir : Sorry about the kiss... its just i got excited cause i have wanted this for a long time. I mean i wanted this marriage cause i have realised that between our hate relationship somewhere i had developed feelings for you that i couldn't realise until i was pushed towards them. And now that i have realised them i kust dont want to loose you.

Sanyukta : It's okay. I understand and i feel the same.

Randhir : Is it?? Then maybe i can kiss you again later on.

Sanyukta blushed more hearing his words whereas he just grinned foolishly seeing the hue of her cheeks turn a shade of pink.


Soon 2 months passed by and today it was the day of there marriage. They were taking slow steps towards each other. In these two months they had there fair share of fights and arguments but that was always accompanied with love in the end which they are still to confess to each other. But since they are taking baby steps towards each other they have no hurry cause they have there forever waiting for these confessions.

Randhir now sat waiting for his bride as the pandit chanted mantras. His eyes would every now and then move towards the stairs from which she was about to come.

Parth (teasingly) : Bro... she will come soon. You are looking desperate with all this turning that you are doing.

Randhir glared at him and said "We will see what happens to you when you marry Vidushi."

The bond between Sanyukta, Randhir, Parth and Vidushi have improved and now they have become an inseparable group of best friends.

Soon the pandit called for the bride. And Randhir's breath hitched looking at Sanyukta looking beautiful as ever. Sanyukta feeling his gaze and sat beside him.

Vidushi (whispered to Randhir): Close your mouth otherwise flies will enter it.

Randhir gulped and blushed looking down whereas Parth and Vidushi chuckled looking at them. Soon they were declared husband and wife and the smiles on everyone's face couldn't decrease. As Sanyukta left her home a few tears left her eyes but she controlled herself for her parents.


Sanyukta was waiting for Randhir in his room when Randhir entered after lots of teasings from his friends and relatives. He smiled looking at her.

Randhir : Go change in the bathroom Sanyukta. You must be tired.

Sanyukta nodded and went in whereas Randhir changed in the room itself. After few minutes of waiting she came and blushed looking at him.

Randhir : Don't worry. We are taking it slow and i know we both are not ready to take steps ahead so lets just sleep or we can talk if you wantm

Sanyukta : Let's talk.

Randhir smiled and pulled her in his arms and they talked the whole night until there eyes gave up and they slept in peace in each others arms.



Between Love & HateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora