I:Be my girlfriend

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Na jaemin,our high school's hot, popular boy. He's a rebellious kid,which he think makes him cool beside that he's pretty good with study but never really shows it,sporty and maybe good looking.A complete package every girl ever wanted but he's the 'hard to get' type that's what everyone says makes him even more attractive.Our school have like almost every girl drooling over him.Nah! I'm not one of them but I have a thing with him that I have to keep secret.


Who thought that behind that heartthrobing smile,there's a terrible guy.i hate him,I really do.I would never like to get involved with him in anything.

He started bullying me for money,but isn't he rich!??! He was born with a silver soon in his mouth then why he bullies me?

Aaahhh,I don't get it.and don't want to think about all that now again.That were really some terrible experiences.

But he's acting different Recently,like he is not him anymore?he's attending classes fr.showing less attitude to other,behaving good around other and he haven't bullied me for like this whole week??? Is he ok?not in concern tho.


"Hey, y/n.how are you?"renjun said walking up to me.
"Oh,it's you!"
"Ofcourse it's me,what's wrong.....let's go to class together."he said and we both walked up to our classroom.

"Are you looking for someone my lady?"chaeyoung asked. She's my bestfriend since elementary school
"No.not really"i said walking to my desk.

"Well,if Lee felix than he's there"she said pointing at him.
"Hey,don't point."I said holding her hand down.
"Hey,he's looking at us,you should say hi."she said making me turn.I waved at him actually that was awkward,alloooottt but he smiled,he smiled at me?!?!? WHAT?
Jaemin didn't attended school today,did he bunked the school?like possibly he can,maybe? Well,my stupid mind have to stop thinking about him it's good for you that he didn't came.

Next day,Tuesday

As I closed my locker I found jaemin leaning against the locker next to mine,eyes closed.
"Broooo,you are early today.why you were absent yesterday?"Mark approached him.one of his closest friends.

During our science class:
Clearing his throat Mr.Byun spoke up "Jaemin stare at people later,for now focus here."and the whole class's focus was shifted to jaemin who was sitting in left corner of the class,I turned too we made eye contact.wait- he was staring at me?why???????????????????? He smirked and instantly turned straight.

After school in library:
Again!I find him looking at me.confused with his thoughts.why he's like this today should I ask him?he's alone though maybe.....I started walking toward him,suddenly some girls approached him I turned back and started acting like I was looking for a book in nearby book shelf.after some minutes I turned and he was standing behind me.

"Uh...do you want to talk or wanted money.sorry if I didn't noticed earlier but-"i was cutted of by him.
"Be my girlfriend"he said.

I chocked on my own saliva"WHAT??? Me.....what?why?"

"No,I mean pretend girlfriend.will you pretend to be my girlfriend?"

Jaemin's p.o.v.

"No,I mean pretend girlfriend.will you pretend to be my girlfriend?"I said she look really shook.was it that surprising?

Jaemin:"Do you want me to repeat? Will you be-"



Jaemin:"Look who you are denying.Think again."

Y/n:"Bullying me wasn't enough?"she said"ssh! let's talk outside"i commanded.
Jaemin:"I know we really have some bad experiences, but....will you help me?will you rethink your decision?"

Y/n:"why me?there are so many girls that actually like you."

Jaemin:"you don't understand.you're perfect......Park y/n,is a good girl, straight A student,have awards and you are nice to people without any reason like you are here talking to me so casually like we are friends.plus you are pretty.my dad's gonna definitely like you."

Y/n:"Look.i'm not just surprised, I'm disappointed by your choice.but still...will you mind telling me why you need me?"

Jaemin:"First,Agree!"I shrugged.

Y/n:"You are asking me something I never ever imagined, and you are not even telling me a reason. Huh?"she said arching her eyebrow.

Jaemin:"you just have to be at my family dinner and there will be a formal business party on new year's eve,that's it.just for two month.

Y/n"two months are very long time.....So,a dinner and a party right?"she continued"you want me to go to that party as your date or something right?"

Jaemin:"Should I take it as a yes?"

"I will take you to meet my family on Friday so,I give you some time,think about it.I promise i'll never bully or cross your way ever again!or I might pay you as well!"I said

Y/n:"I don't want your money. Let's talk about it tomorrow."she said and left.

Time skip

"Well,why her?what about Choi Mina,she have a standard.or why don't you just ask Elena,your dad know her right?"jeno said.

Jaemin:"are you kidding me?
"y/n is totally perfect."

Jeno:"Really?I don't think so? And what did Hyeji said,will she-"

Jaemin:"listen Im not gonna ask her nor I want her,my ex to be in any rumors together.And as for y/n she's Exactly what my dad would want in a girl for me to date."
Jeno sighed "then you definitely have to be more nice to her"he said."you bullied her,do you really think she'll help you."

"She have to!she don't really have another option."jeno made a gesture of 'see' with his hands."Ofcourse I'll try to be more nice to her.okay now?"

Jeno:"and why were you staring at her,that's not cool bro."he stood up and started waking.

"where are you going? You know that too?"I said running up to him.

Jeno:"Not everyone do?Btw boys are outside let's go."
Finally!!!First chapter of this book,I hope you guys like it and please don't mind my English,I know I really sucks at it.

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