X: Am i obsessed?

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Hyeji's p.o.v

Almost whole school was empty.I was walking towards the lockers and was about to turn but heard the sound of something hit the ground.I looked at the ground and It was my bracelet.

I bent down to pick it up.
"When did it's clasp broke?" I thought to myself.

As I stood back up I heard a feeble voice became clearer.

"So why dont you guys just talk about this with hyeji? You are only people she hangs out with."

"Friend? Ha dont make me laugh!!!"

This voice...i think I know who this is.

Eunha:"At first It looked like she was someone hard to approach,but it wasn't actually that hard to get close to her.It just took some smile and sugarcoated talk and here we are being her so called "friends".

Yurri:"Oh really?You know what I don't know why you guys hang out with hyeji,how is it even fun?"

Eunha:"She may not be fun but it does come from being around her like she get special treatment being her friend we get the same and she took us to some very good restaurants and famous places...you saw the last post from my Instagram of **** concert...in reality we couldn't got our hands on tickets but she not only gave us tickets of front row but even took us to meet with idol backstage,that was best day of my life."

Jisoo:"And there are always so many people around her!"

Eunha:"Uh yes and definitely that one too there are always hot guys around him."

Yurri:"Yeah There was a senior that recently asked her out but she turned him down."

Jisoo:"It's just her stupid obsession with Na Jaemin which is making her like this.She not even accepting that he's dating someone else and doing fine now...just how selfish is she?"

Jisoo:"Sometimes it's annoying....she's not even that pretty.The reason is clear why Jaemin and Hyeji are not together but y/n.She doesn't deserve him."

Hyeji walked up to them...."YAA!!!"
She yelled and slammed her left hand one of the locker.

They turned at the sound of someone yelling.

"Is it fun?" She walked closer to Eunha and Jisoo.

"H-Hyeji? "

"I asked you if it is fun why aren't you answering.You used to be very obedient before what happened now?"

Eunha couldn't bring herself to say anything,there was obvious fright on her face.

She looked over to yurri "you're still here*kkeojiyo"Yurri left immediately left after Hyeji told her to.

(*get lost)

Jisoo:"H-Hyeji let us Expain,we -"

"Aishhh"Hyeji rolled her eyes.
"Shut your pretty mouth! I didn't asked you explain"she said while grabbing Jisoo's face.

"Shin Hyeji why does it even bother you? you never saw us as friends anyway....and what if we saw some of our benefits..... don't act hurt you knew from very beginning that we weren't interested in befriending you..." Eunha said without even realizing.

Eunha continued"We were getting something out of you, so did you. Didn't you? We both are same–"

"We're not" she said her voice was calmer and softer than before

She looked over to Jisoo.

"To be honest a question always bothered me why Shin Hyeji hangs out with us?"jisoo said

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