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Let's try 45 comments this time ( the sooner the faster the update )? 

Ruby's Pov:

I am a sort of a mommy, now. Laying in bed ,that night after the pizza dinner, I was the happiest by far. Eva turned to be the little miracle that I needed. She is just like a saving light leading me out of my dark tunnel of depression. Lately, my mind became a dungeon of sorrows and blames. Standing in front of a mirror , I cannot but pinpoint the lacks of my body and flaws: how it doesn't look picture perfect and how it cannot do its simplest most normal tasks. I was devastated and broken. 

My bed haven't felt inviting anymore. It always felt voided, cold and big without Aron. I miss being captured in his arms. I miss waking up to his breaths fanning my neck. I still remember the feel of his heartbeats under my touch. If i even sink deeper into my memories and daydreams I would remember the taste of his lips, how they feel and how they made fall deeper in love with him. It is been long but I still crave him and our connection. I miss him and miss how his eyes would follow me when I cook or read or chant...I miss him but he broke me beyond repair.

I felt Sin's eyes on me, when we were making pizza. I don't know why but he kept on following my every step. I would catch him gazing and he wouldn't look away. I would be the one to always roll my eyes, or raise a questioning eyebrow and just go back to focusing on Eva. It felt weird to have his undivided attention. Maybe he felt weird seeing a female figure in his house being motherly to Eva and teaching her the proper table manners. A small smile would slip thinning his lips every few minutes but then he would clear his throat and continue to eat, without uttering any word. 

Leaving the Grey's , I have concluded that Eva does need a motherly figure in her life as much I wanted a child in mine. She might not be my own blood and flesh but I swore to keep her safe and happy as much I can. She is my only chance at being a mother and I will excel at it, until Sin gets her another option if he ever decides to get a serious girlfriend or a wife...Only then I would step back.

Knocks erupted ending my silent thoughts. I was just finished with my newest work project. I was designing a web for a new youtube sensation. The teens nowadays are wild. Every dance step can turn into a viral worldwide video. Any word can be coined and printed on shirts and merchandise. I looked at the overly colorful sight with the many hoodies that it had to offer and shook my head at what our world had become...

"I got all A's" Eva jumped up and down singing happily as I opened the door to her.

"She rushed directly from school to show you her reports." Sin added explaining the situation in hand and I smiled brightly at the dancing angel.

"This calls for a celebration. What if I take you shopping tomorrow? We will also go get some cookies ice cream sandwiches. " questioned seeing Eva smile wider if it is even possible.

" Yes , yes , yes....I will tell Eda not to come tomorrow to babysit me and daddy will drive me directly here." Eva accorded instantly.

The little blond girl picked her newest nanny Eda by her own. Her father and she sat all Tuesday evening interviewing a girl after another. I was even invited to join but sat silently not wanting to affect their choices. Sin would drool at the barbie like figures that would sit in front of him and Eva would yell "next", in a heartbeat. She even stomped his foot and pinched him, once he tried to ask for a girl's number; who would blame him though she was a gorgeous redhead with curves and legs to die for...How can these girls stay so slim and fit while foods such as ice cream, chocolate and cheese exist? I am happy with my figure but I cannot help but question: simply how do they do it?

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