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The goal this time is also 30 comments : the sooner you achieve it the sooner I update.

Ruby's Pov

Mondays are normally dreadful and annoying. Even though I work from home they are still the worst. The blues of the vanishing freedom that the weekend offers makes every hour torturous. I hated Mondays but this one in particular felt ten times worse than normal. For the very first time , I wanted each hour of it to turn into a century but time seemed to fly. Why is this Monday going by too quickly ? Why can't seven in the evening never happen? Why can't I have dinner at my own house and in my own pajamas while watching my favorite shows? 

Don't get me wrong because I love Eva a lot. She is the sweetest brightest most sarcastic little angel. She is like the daughter I have always dreamed of having but could never. The bond that is grown between us makes my broken heart feel way better than it normally does. She filled a void that I thought was unfixable. My presence also seemed to offer her the comfort and homeliness that she sought for long but never found in her father or the nannies. She would cuddle to me and simply thank me out of the blue for simply being here for her and I would kiss her head and thank her for the very same thing. Even though her father clearly told me not to play a motherly role with her I just couldn't. Eva deserved love and care and her big pleading blue eyes seemed to beg me to be there for her...

Her father , Mr.Grey or Sin, is one confusing guy. He looks so put together and devilishly handsome that he would lure anyone to him. I could see why girls fall at his feel with his golden hair, dark blue eyes and deadly smirk. He stands tall at six feet three and his body fits to be a cover of the hottest guys on earth. Regardless, the man spat venom when his lips parted and he started to speak. Eva's description of him made me guarded from his ways. I felt his gaze on me but knowing his nature and remembering how rude he was to me when I offered him the brownies I just turned numb to him ... He is one of those people that I don't want to be associated with even if he tried to be funny on our last interaction but building walls around one's self never hurts. 

I have moved to California, about two months ago. I was living in Florida before. All of my family, friends and old life was left behind because Aron and the news of my infertility damaged me greatly. Going back home to the supposedly love of my life with tearful eyes and a broken heart, I thought he would comfort me and tell me that all is fine. However, Aron turned cold and stoic. He held me for the night but ran to his family house , for the next day. After so, he came back with a decisive glare. He seemed frozen and when I sought comfort between his arms, he didn't hug me back. He wanted a family of his own blood and flesh and I couldn't give him that. He wanted  to see mini versions of him running around the house filling it with love and laughs. We were engaged to be married in two months. All was fine till my period skipped three months and I feared being pregnant. When I was a teen, it did so multiple times but i didn't pay it enough attention because I wasn't sexually active and I didn't mind skipping a month without the pains of it. Being in a serious relation though, I took different tests but the results were always negative so I decided to visit a gynecologist. Many test were done and I was told that I have a hormonal imbalance and an  ovarian insufficiency. The chance of me having a kid naturally is less than 10%...Aron freaked , asked to stop the wedding and I got heart broken and left all behind. After such situation, I promised myself not to get tangled up with people but here am I once again getting attached to Eva. Hopefully her father won't be vile enough to push me away from her.

Turning off my laptop, I decided to get dressed and go to Sin and Eva's. It was already six thirty and I was dreading my every step. It is gonna be awkward there, I am sure of it. I can just feel it in my bones that it would feel wrong. Whenever Sin and I are in the same room we hardly ever talk. If Eva doesn't initiate it, we would just sit in silence without acknowledging one another. We are strangers brought together by one little girl. 

I picked a plain over-sized grey denim jacket, a white tank-top and some dark jeans. If They are making pizza then I am gonna help out and wearing dress is never that comfortable for me. On my way out, I picked the chocolate cookies and few LOL dolls I bought for Eva and the bottle of Cabernet that I bought for Sin...I hope that he likes red wine or else my gift would only make things more awkward. 

It took me six minutes and forty seconds to reach his house. It took me nearly two minutes to gather up the courage to ring his door. I was acting some much like a frightened teenage girl that I could mock my own self. Why am I this socially awkward? Questioning myself inwardly, I didn't notice the little figure that jumped hugging me , nearly throwing me off balance. 

"Ro, thank you so much for coming. " Eva happily chanted and all dark thoughts vanished of my mind. 

"She was staring at the clock, counting minutes. She more excited about your visit than that of Santa's." Sin's voice followed and my eyes fell on his figure as he got illuminated by the outside light. He was dressed in a black t-shirt and some shorts. He looked laid back and relaxed. He brushed his golden hair, combing it with his fingers allowing it to messily fell on his eyes. 

"I told you that I knew you were Santa. Since you suggested the whole wine and cookies for him, I just figured out. Plus all cartoons hint at him being an imaginary creature like the tooth fairy and all monsters." Eva ranted stealing back my attention and I smiled big at how clever she sounded.

"I love cookies and wine." Sin nodded with a silly grin of his own making his little girl roll her eyes at him.

"Thank you for the invite again." I smiled at both Greys holding out Eva's bag for her and offering the bottle to Sin.

"You didn't have to." Sin replied politely taking the bottle but I just ignored him zeroing on Eva's reaction to my gift.

She smiled big and a chant of happiness left her lips. She held the box of cookies waving it at her dad saying it is only hers and the older man pouted at her making me laugh. She is truly her father's daughter; at least both seemed to love cookies a lot.

"We are sharing that Eva" Sin yelled childishly at her as excused herself to place the gifts in her room.

"No way." she called back with a hyped laugh making me laugh as well.

"Cookies are our favorite" Sin noted ushering me in and I followed his lead.

His house was bigger than mine. It was clean, white and had modern decor all over it. Minimalist paintings and vases full of white roses and tulips were all over. I followed his lead to an all white kitchen and saw different pizza ingredients on the counter.

"What's your favorite pizza?" He asked pulling me a high chair by the kitchen island.

"Mozzarella with olives and peppers as toppings." I informed and saw him nodding.

"Well, you are about to taste the greatest pizza ever. " He grinned going to the other side of the island and facing me. His eyes shined of pride and mischief.

"Is that so?" I dared.

"Your mind would be blown." He promised.

"I doubt it but still I want to help out. I would hate to sit around and merely watch." I informed with a hopeful tone.

"Are you good at taking instructions?" His voice went lower sending a chill down my spine and for a reason I felt that his words had another twisted meaning to them. His eyes wouldn't leave mine and I was lost at how they looked so sea like.

"Cheers to daddy's Pizza" the shout came from around the corner and I knew that Eva was about to join. Thankfully, she would save me from such uncomfortable silence because I didn't know how to reply to Sin.

"As she said cheers to daddy's Pizza and you can call me daddy if you wish." Sin winked leaving me baffled and rooted on my own chair...Can I go home now?

The goal this time is also 30 comments : the sooner you achieve it the sooner I update.

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