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Magnus (pov)
"I shouldn't ask you this, but- I consider you a dear friend of mine, and if there's something bothering you,  I want to help you." It's been some time since we began to hang out, things became less tragic than I expected, at least for me. Since that day, when I faced my drunk mom, the situation changed. I couldn't say if, for the worse or the good, she yells less and became, weird.

She still says some bad things to me, but her hatred is less scary but more like an empty threat. When she was supposed to yell, get angry about like she always did, she just ignore it and walk on. It didn't bother me, the change, and that's where I found what it was. She was hired to work under a quite know company, which the name I can't remember but I was sure the reason wasn't really that.

I didn't miss her company, since I never enjoyed it, but noticed that she was less at home than usual. Yeah, I was starting to feel a bit better also because I was hanging out with Alec. I was in Alec's bedroom, watching some random movie on the tv when he suddenly asked me that. It wasn't the first time he tried to ask me that  type of questions.

I know he was just worried and I appreciated that, but I tried to avoid them. I really didn't expect him to be like this. When I first heard he was the son of the Lightwood, I was shocked. 

So I wondered why he hangs  out with someone like me and that he was wasting time by staying with me. And accidentally, I didn't just think about that but said it aloud. Let's say, he was upset and told me I shouldn't think so little of myself. I suddenly wanted to slap myself for that, the question just came out in the wrong way. 

Yeah, he clearly avoided it. I was currently in Alec's room when he suddenly asked that. I wasn't mad, neither offended, I honestly didn't know to respond. What do I feel? Empty. Not the kind of emptiness that makes you sad, just completely empty. I stopped staring at the floor and looked instead at him," Fine. Really, nothing weird." Alec didn't seem to believe it, he just gave me a weird expression and let it go.
We ended up watching a movie, it was an horror one. I didn't tell him that I hated those type of movies, they scare me, depends of what. This one wasn't really scary, I was currently eating some chips when suddenly felt someone watching me. It was more like a feeling and when I turned, I wasn't wrong.
Alec was staring me, literally. At first he didn't seem to notice, then he suddenly blinked as of releasing what he was doing.
"Uhm... You've something on-", I was surprised to have noticed only now that he had a mole near his mouth. And his eyes, they were really transparent.  Suddenly everything seemed to disappear, as if the sound has been muted.
Before I realised, my lips found Alec's.

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