Ch.3 Angry at the world

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I was so angry, at everything, at everyone that when I got out of the bus, I realized it was the wrong stop. "Fuck..." I said to no one, as I let all the anger, the frustration out. What was the point to go to the lesson now? I never wanted to go from the start, it's pointless. If not for not hear anymore all those critics, all those piercing eyes that seem to judge you, wait for the wrong move.

I don't want to hear all those chatters of their dreams, their plans for their future, while there was me. A me that  knew nothing  about my future , who was too concerned  about escaping this nightmare, the nightmare I was currently living in. As I was passing by  a lot of stores, coffee shops, I saw one that got my attention. Decorate with  roses from white to red at the entrance. A huge glass was placed close to the entrance, where  you could clearly see the inside. There were tables made of marble, a lot of aesthetic decorations that made it seemed  fake. I stared at the inside for some minutes, admiring the beautiful aesthetic, when a deep voice spoke. . "Are you planning to stare for the whole day? You know, we don't bite." I was caught off guard, quickly gaining my posture, I was about to make a nasty comment when I turned to the owner of the voice. "Uhm... huh?" In that moment, I wish I could bury myself into my grave, in front of me was standing a tall guy with black hair, dressed in what I supposed was his work uniform. A blue of piercing eyes was staring back at me, he wasn't smiling but seemed to glare at me... I wasn't sure but his face told me that he wasn't in his best mood. Without saying any more word, I ran away in the middle of the conversation, if it even was one. I ran till my legs couldn't take anymore, feeling exhausted of what seemed a five minutes run, I stopped to catch my breath. "Ahh... ugh..." I managed to say as I supported myself against a streetlight. Suddenly all the anger I had before, disappeared and turned into an embarrassment. I felt so dumb for having done that, I just hoped I would never meet him again.

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