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(Alec PoV)
"I take an iced coffee, please," Magnus said as the waitress was writing down on her notebook his order. She was tall, her brown hair was tidied up into a long ponytail, she smiled at us, probably going to the kitchen to send our orders. I turned to look at him, he was glancing around as if he would expect something to appear from nowhere.

"Everything is okay?", I was worried that he might not be comfortable in this place, maybe we should go somewhere else? This time, Magnus turned his gaze towards me, his brown eyes looked at me as if he had made something terrible.

"Oh, no, no. I'm sorry, everything is perfect!". He quickly added, giving me a shy smile. "So, what do you study?". It was a dumb question, but at least I was asking him something, otherwise, the silence would have been awkward. It took him some time before he answered, maybe I've asked something that I shouldn't? I was about to change the subject when he suddenly precedes me. "Uhm... I study foreign languages." I smiled at him, that was interesting. When our orders arrived, we kept talking about normal stuff, university, work, until he said something that caught my attention.

"Uhm, probably I shouldn't ask you this...", he said as his gaze met mine, "but I've noticed that you have a different eyes color since the last time I saw you. Maybe it's me who doesn't remember it well." Oh damn. I just have forgotten this morning. I guess, can't do anything about it right now.

"You're not wrong, I did have blue eyes the other time." I paused to look at him, he had that expression that reminded me of a confused puppy. "I wore contacts, that's why they were blue. I've hazel eyes." I could feel that he wanted to ask me why I had them, but luckily he restrained himself. I would have told him a lie, after all, we do have secrets we donìt want to share. The evening went fast, it was already four pm when I checked my phone. But when I looked up, I saw him staring at his phone, nervous. He looked like he wanted to leave but at the same time, he didn't. He looked up at me, nervously, putting his phone into his pocket. "Uhm... I have to go." He said, glancing this time towards the window of the coffee shop.

I was a bit taken aback, not because he wanted to leave, he sounded nervous in a bad way, but I did better than to ask him what was wrong. "It's okay, I have to go too." He gave me an apologetic smile, took his stuff and when he was about to leave, he suddenly stopped. "How stupid I am! I didn't ask you for your name." He came towards me and took gently my hand, smiling at me. "I'm Magnus, nice to meet you." Oh, so this was his name. How nice.

I quickly realised that he was still standing in front of me, looking at me strangely.

"Oh, right... Sorry. I'm Alec, nice to meet you." What a way to introduce yourself, seems I kept  embarrassing myself every time. He chuckled, giving me a warm smile. "Ah... Magnus wait!" I grabbed his arm before he could go out from the door. "Can I have your number? To keep in touch, uhm.. If you want to of course." He looked at me as if he didn't expect it, then he made an expression as if he was holding back a smile. He took out his phone, showing a picture of his contact info. "Thank you, I will text you so you can register mine." Magnus thanked me for the coffee, actually, he thanked me twice when he realised I've paid for both of us. Then he walked out from the shop, with his bag on his shoulder. It was a lie when I said I had plans, I didn't have anything to do all this evening. Despite coming to an empty house.

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