Dean sighed, "He was drunk. In the middle of the friggen day. He ran the red light. Ramming straight into Sammy."

I quieted down some and looked up to him. Cas right behind him holding her shoulder. Kate gently bouncing Hunter in her arms. I stood and hugged the tall man. Nuzzling into his arms.

~~two weeks later~~

It has been rough going through these two weeks of pregnancy without him. All the mornings waking up without him next to me, or without his podcasts playing in the workout room. Of the times I couldn't hear him making videos.

The videos. That was the worst part. I had to sit down and make a video confronting the topic.


I sat down and the recording desk in the house. This was the first time I had been back. Dean sat next to me and held my hand to reassure me I didn't have to do this, but I did. I had to do this for his fans. Their fans.

I nodded at him to tell him I was ready and he turned the camera on. We sat there silent for a second.

"As you all may have heard Sam and Dean were in a wreck." I choked up. "The truck had hit the boys on the passenger side. Sam's side."

"I only have a broken arm and few cuts and bruises. Sam. S-Sam is in critical condition." I almost started crying again hearing those words. I subconsciously wrapped my arms around my stomach.

"W-we wanted to come on here and tell you the i-I for-" I couldn't keep it together anymore. I had gotten up and out of the camera and cried. Dean got up and hugged me.

We took a break and went back to the camera. Hitting record again. "I Uh. I'm sorry. It's hard to talk about." I sniffle. "There won't be any videos until Sam is out of the hospital." I went quiet, "If."

Dean looked over at me with hurt in his eyes, he knew it was a possibility but no one wanted to hear it. He stopped recording and we hugged for a while. I clung to him and almost cry.

~~End of flashback~~

I was crying I'm the middle of our bedroom. Laying on the floor curled into a ball. Feeling so lonely. I couldn't get myself off of the floor for 20 minutes. After that I got up. Went to our bathroom and took a shower to clean the grime from my body.

Afterwards the closet was my next destination. Pulling on sweats and one Sam's shirts with his old hoodie, I sniffled. Trying to keep myself from crying. Wiping my eyes real fast I picked out and outfit for Sam in case he woke up. Jeans, boxers, undershirt, and flannel.

I grabbed the bag and took the old clothes out from the days before so he could have a fresh pair. I walked down to the car putting the small bag into the backseat. Deciding I should check in with Kate and them.

Slowly I made my way over to their house. Holding my progressing baby bump until I got there. I opened the door and went in knowing that they would just tell me to let myself in.

That was all until I heard moaning. I flushed pink hearing it come from a males voice. Dereks. You could hear his moans and groans mixed with. "Yes baby", "Oh god keep going" and many more words of praises. He's definitely getting a blow job.

I decide to block that out and look for Hunter, walking around the house avoiding the room that provided the moans. I found him playing with his toys I sat with him and pulled him in my lap.

"Auntie!" He hugged my belly. As the sounds only grew more and more. Hunter seemed as if he was used to it. 

"Finish him off!" I yelled and the noises stopped.

After a while they came out, blush on both of their faces and Derek looking as if he ran a mile.

"I Uh. Sorry you heard that." He got out. I just shrugged not really feeling anything.

"It's fine, I was just checking in." I sat Hunter down and got up. "I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Kate stopped me and grabbed my arm, "Hannah. You can't spend all day everyday there. It's not healthy."

Looking to her. I couldn't handle it. "I'm fine." I took my arm away and walked back out. Getting into the car and speeding away to the hospital. Fighting back tears I turned the radio on. Tuning out and seeming like it only took seconds to get to the hospital.

Pulling in I wiped the tear that escaped my eyes and throwing the bag over my shoulder. Walking into the hospital wasn't the hard part. The hard part was walking into his room and seeing him, still there in his coma. The cuts slowly healing, but he hasn't woke up from the coma.

Sitting his bag down on the spare couch and getting the clothes out for him, turning back to him I sat next to him. Sniffling. Almost crying mess.

I took his hand and placed it on his bump, "Sammy, your baby girl is waiting for you."


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